Package browser hierarchy - case sensitivity

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Package browser hierarchy - case sensitivity

Bill Schwab-2
Andy and Blair,

I've figured out that my startup problem occurs when the image is saved with
a migrate shell open; looks like it might be something to do with the
mult-selection list box.  Armed with the obvious workaround, I've gotten a
little further.

After installing ten or so packages, the package browser has grown folders
named Bill and bill - no doubt both capitalizations have existed on
different machines, and it's getting picked up somewhere.  Any idea whether
that's good or bad??? =:0   Both of the folders have the same content, at
least so far.

BTW, I'm starting to like the new package browser.  The filtering is
helping, and I will probably "deepen" my hierarchy to make it more powerful.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Package browser hierarchy - case sensitivity

Blair McGlashan

You wrote in message news:[hidden email]...
> ...
> After installing ten or so packages, the package browser has grown folders
> named Bill and bill - no doubt both capitalizations have existed on
> different machines, and it's getting picked up somewhere.  Any idea
> that's good or bad??? =:0   Both of the folders have the same content, at
> least so far.

Bad I'd say. Defect #479, thansk.

