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Package for manage USB - RS232

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Package for manage USB - RS232

dario trussardi
422 posts

        i work with: Pharo1.Latest update: #14445 ( or   with: Pharo2.0 Latest update: #20628 ).

        I'm interested to manage communications with  USB or RS232    device.

        I can find package  which support this protocol?

        Thank for any considerations ?


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Re: Package for manage USB - RS232

Goubier Thierry
805 posts

I'm also interested by an answer to that question. So far, what I have
as status is: you need a plugin to handle communications with the serial
port (either for direct RS232 or USB-to-Serial) and compiling the serial
port plugin with the Pharo VM makes it unstable.

The solution we used was: to compile the serial plugin for the squeak VM
and work in Squeak (4.3) instead of Pharo.


Le 16/02/2014 16:28, Dario Trussardi a écrit :

> Hi,
> i work with: Pharo1.Latest update: #14445 ( or   with: Pharo2.0 Latest update: #20628 ).
> I'm interested to manage communications with  USB or RS232    device.
> I can find package  which support this protocol?
> Thank for any considerations ?
> Dario

Thierry Goubier
CEA list
Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
Phone/Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 08 32 92 / 83 95

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Re: Package for manage USB - RS232

dario trussardi
422 posts

> Hi,
> I'm also interested by an answer to that question. So far, what I have as status is: you need a plugin to handle communications with the serial port (either for direct RS232 or USB-to-Serial) and compiling the serial port plugin with the Pharo VM makes it unstable.

I dont know " compiling " plugin  area.   ( i work with Windows 7 )

> The solution we used was: to compile the serial plugin for the squeak VM and work in Squeak (4.3) instead of Pharo.

        Can you explain more detail about it?

        My test is :

        I download the   Pharo 2.0 #20628 and i    use the SerialPort class.

        The first time i   do the code:

                        | srl |
                        srl := SerialPort new.
                        srl close.

                        srl openPort: 'COM1'.

                        srl nextPutAll: #[ 27 66 2 2 ] .

        The RS232 device work fine.

        After the first time, when submit the same code the system answer:

                Error: Cannot open 'COM1'

        A this time i need to restart the Pharo environment.

        Any considerations,  suggestions ?



> Thierry
> Le 16/02/2014 16:28, Dario Trussardi a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> i work with: Pharo1.Latest update: #14445 ( or   with: Pharo2.0 Latest update: #20628 ).
>> I'm interested to manage communications with  USB or RS232    device.
>> I can find package  which support this protocol?
>> Thank for any considerations ?
>> Dario
> --
> Thierry Goubier
> CEA list
> Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
> 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
> France
> Phone/Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 08 32 92 / 83 95

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Re: Package for manage USB - RS232

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
5697 posts
You should #close the port when you are done, else it remains in use, I would guess.
Also, why do you #close before you start, seems strange to me ?

On 17 Feb 2014, at 12:05, Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Ciao,
>> Hi,
>> I'm also interested by an answer to that question. So far, what I have as status is: you need a plugin to handle communications with the serial port (either for direct RS232 or USB-to-Serial) and compiling the serial port plugin with the Pharo VM makes it unstable.
> I dont know " compiling " plugin  area.   ( i work with Windows 7 )
>> The solution we used was: to compile the serial plugin for the squeak VM and work in Squeak (4.3) instead of Pharo.
> Can you explain more detail about it?
> My test is :
> I download the   Pharo 2.0 #20628 and i    use the SerialPort class.
> The first time i   do the code:
> | srl |
> srl := SerialPort new.
> srl close.
> srl openPort: 'COM1'.
> srl nextPutAll: #[ 27 66 2 2 ] .
> The RS232 device work fine.
> After the first time, when submit the same code the system answer:
> Error: Cannot open 'COM1'
> A this time i need to restart the Pharo environment.
> Any considerations,  suggestions ?
> Thanks,
> Dario
>> Thierry
>> Le 16/02/2014 16:28, Dario Trussardi a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> i work with: Pharo1.Latest update: #14445 ( or   with: Pharo2.0 Latest update: #20628 ).
>>> I'm interested to manage communications with  USB or RS232    device.
>>> I can find package  which support this protocol?
>>> Thank for any considerations ?
>>> Dario
>> --
>> Thierry Goubier
>> CEA list
>> Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
>> 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
>> France
>> Phone/Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 08 32 92 / 83 95

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Re: Package for manage USB - RS232

dario trussardi
422 posts

Thanks Sven,

> You should #close the port when you are done, else it remains in use, I would guess.

Of course,  i used :

        | srl |
        srl := SerialPort new.
        srl openPort: 'COM1'.

        srl nextPutAll: #[ 27 66 2 2 ] .
        srl close.

But after the first time, when submit the same code the system answer:

                Error: Cannot open 'COM1'

I don't unterstand because.

I note what the sometimes SerialPort allInstances  answer instance  after   the close method.

Perhaps remain occupied some resources?



> Also, why do you #close before you start, seems strange to me ?
> On 17 Feb 2014, at 12:05, Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Ciao,
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm also interested by an answer to that question. So far, what I have as status is: you need a plugin to handle communications with the serial port (either for direct RS232 or USB-to-Serial) and compiling the serial port plugin with the Pharo VM makes it unstable.
>> I dont know " compiling " plugin  area.   ( i work with Windows 7 )
>>> The solution we used was: to compile the serial plugin for the squeak VM and work in Squeak (4.3) instead of Pharo.
>> Can you explain more detail about it?
>> My test is :
>> I download the   Pharo 2.0 #20628 and i    use the SerialPort class.
>> The first time i   do the code:
>> | srl |
>> srl := SerialPort new.
>> srl close.
>> srl openPort: 'COM1'.
>> srl nextPutAll: #[ 27 66 2 2 ] .
>> The RS232 device work fine.
>> After the first time, when submit the same code the system answer:
>> Error: Cannot open 'COM1'
>> A this time i need to restart the Pharo environment.
>> Any considerations,  suggestions ?
>> Thanks,
>> Dario
>>> Thierry
>>> Le 16/02/2014 16:28, Dario Trussardi a écrit :
>>>> Hi,
>>>> i work with: Pharo1.Latest update: #14445 ( or   with: Pharo2.0 Latest update: #20628 ).
>>>> I'm interested to manage communications with  USB or RS232    device.
>>>> I can find package  which support this protocol?
>>>> Thank for any considerations ?
>>>> Dario
>>> --
>>> Thierry Goubier
>>> CEA list
>>> Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
>>> 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
>>> France
>>> Phone/Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 08 32 92 / 83 95

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Re: Package for manage USB - RS232

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
5697 posts

On 17 Feb 2014, at 12:55, Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Thanks Sven,
>> You should #close the port when you are done, else it remains in use, I would guess.
> Of course,  i used :
> | srl |
> srl := SerialPort new.
> srl openPort: 'COM1'.
> srl nextPutAll: #[ 27 66 2 2 ] .
> srl close.
> But after the first time, when submit the same code the system answer:
> Error: Cannot open 'COM1'
> I don't unterstand because.

Me neither. I have no experience working with serial ports (but I know some people on the list do), let alone on Windows, but from looking at the code #close should be enough.

> I note what the sometimes SerialPort allInstances  answer instance  after   the close method.
> Perhaps remain occupied some resources?

They are still there because they are not yet garbage collected. If they are properly closed (check the printString in the inspector), the external resource should have been released.

Sorry, but I can't help you any further.


> Ciao,
> Dario
>> Also, why do you #close before you start, seems strange to me ?
>> On 17 Feb 2014, at 12:05, Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Ciao,
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm also interested by an answer to that question. So far, what I have as status is: you need a plugin to handle communications with the serial port (either for direct RS232 or USB-to-Serial) and compiling the serial port plugin with the Pharo VM makes it unstable.
>>> I dont know " compiling " plugin  area.   ( i work with Windows 7 )
>>>> The solution we used was: to compile the serial plugin for the squeak VM and work in Squeak (4.3) instead of Pharo.
>>> Can you explain more detail about it?
>>> My test is :
>>> I download the   Pharo 2.0 #20628 and i    use the SerialPort class.
>>> The first time i   do the code:
>>> | srl |
>>> srl := SerialPort new.
>>> srl close.
>>> srl openPort: 'COM1'.
>>> srl nextPutAll: #[ 27 66 2 2 ] .
>>> The RS232 device work fine.
>>> After the first time, when submit the same code the system answer:
>>> Error: Cannot open 'COM1'
>>> A this time i need to restart the Pharo environment.
>>> Any considerations,  suggestions ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dario
>>>> Thierry
>>>> Le 16/02/2014 16:28, Dario Trussardi a écrit :
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> i work with: Pharo1.Latest update: #14445 ( or   with: Pharo2.0 Latest update: #20628 ).
>>>>> I'm interested to manage communications with  USB or RS232    device.
>>>>> I can find package  which support this protocol?
>>>>> Thank for any considerations ?
>>>>> Dario
>>>> --
>>>> Thierry Goubier
>>>> CEA list
>>>> Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
>>>> 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
>>>> France
>>>> Phone/Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 08 32 92 / 83 95

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Re: Package for manage USB - RS232

Ben Coman
5447 posts
Try adding (Smalltalk garbageCollect) after the #close.

Now a question of my own for the list.  Why does it seem common to do three #garbageCollects in a row.

cheers -ben

Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

On 17 Feb 2014, at 12:55, Dario Trussardi [hidden email] wrote:

Thanks Sven,

You should #close the port when you are done, else it remains in use, I would guess.
Of course,  i used :

	| srl | 
	srl := SerialPort new.
	srl openPort: 'COM1'.

	srl nextPutAll: #[ 27 66 2 2 ] .
	srl close.

But after the first time, when submit the same code the system answer:

		Error: Cannot open 'COM1'

I don't unterstand because.

Me neither. I have no experience working with serial ports (but I know some people on the list do), let alone on Windows, but from looking at the code #close should be enough.

I note what the sometimes 	SerialPort allInstances 	  answer instance  after   the 	close method.

Perhaps remain occupied some resources?

They are still there because they are not yet garbage collected. If they are properly closed (check the printString in the inspector), the external resource should have been released.

Sorry, but I can't help you any further.




Also, why do you #close before you start, seems strange to me ?

On 17 Feb 2014, at 12:05, Dario Trussardi [hidden email] wrote:



I'm also interested by an answer to that question. So far, what I have as status is: you need a plugin to handle communications with the serial port (either for direct RS232 or USB-to-Serial) and compiling the serial port plugin with the Pharo VM makes it unstable.
I dont know " compiling " plugin  area.   ( i work with Windows 7 )

The solution we used was: to compile the serial plugin for the squeak VM and work in Squeak (4.3) instead of Pharo.
	Can you explain more detail about it?

	My test is :

	I download the   Pharo 2.0 #20628		and i    use the SerialPort 	 class.

	The first time i   do the code:

			| srl |
			srl := SerialPort new.
			srl close.

			srl openPort: 'COM1'.

			srl nextPutAll: #[ 27 66 2 2 ] .

	The RS232 device work fine.

	After the first time, when submit the same code the system answer:

		Error: Cannot open 'COM1'

	A this time i need to restart the Pharo environment.

	Any considerations,  suggestions ?




Le 16/02/2014 16:28, Dario Trussardi a écrit :

	i work with: 		Pharo1.Latest update: #14445		( or   with:	Pharo2.0 Latest update: #20628 ).

	I'm interested to manage communications with  USB 	 or 	RS232    device.

	I can find package  which support this protocol?

	Thank for any considerations ?



Thierry Goubier
CEA list
Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
Phone/Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 08 32 92 / 83 95



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Re: Package for manage USB - RS232

dario trussardi
422 posts

Try adding (Smalltalk garbageCollect) after the #close.

I add it, but  after the   SerialPort allInstances return an array with aSerialPort.

Strange it's close.

I found what "generate" the problem it's in the openPort: method.

openPort: portId "Open the given serial port, using the settings specified by my instance variables." | result | self close. "8-10 - wks - this has to tell us if it fails: step 1, save the primitive result" result := portId isString ifTrue: [self primOpenPortByName: portId baudRate: baudRate stopBitsType: stopBitsType parityType: parityType dataBits: dataBits inFlowControlType: inputFlowControlType outFlowControlType: outputFlowControlType xOnByte: xOnByte xOffByte: xOffByte] ifFalse: [self primOpenPort: portId baudRate: baudRate stopBitsType: stopBitsType parityType: parityType dataBits: dataBits inFlowControlType: inputFlowControlType outFlowControlType: outputFlowControlType xOnByte: xOnByte xOffByte: xOffByte]. "wks - raise an error if there was a failure." result isNil ifTrue:[ self error:'Cannot open ', portId printString. ]. port := portId


The result isNotNil the thirst time i call the openPort: it's set at aSerialPort

isNil the last time i call the openPort

But if i remove the test : result isNil ifTrue:[ self error:'Cannot open ', portId printString. ].

all works fine the first and the following call.

There is something wrong in the primitive call answer.

Anyone is expert in this ?



Now a question of my own for the list.  Why does it seem common to do three #garbageCollects in a row.

cheers -ben

Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

On 17 Feb 2014, at 12:55, Dario Trussardi [hidden email] wrote:

Thanks Sven,

You should #close the port when you are done, else it remains in use, I would guess.
Of course,  i used :

	| srl | 
	srl := SerialPort new.
	srl openPort: 'COM1'.

	srl nextPutAll: #[ 27 66 2 2 ] .
	srl close.

But after the first time, when submit the same code the system answer:

		Error: Cannot open 'COM1'

I don't unterstand because.

Me neither. I have no experience working with serial ports (but I know some people on the list do), let alone on Windows, but from looking at the code #close should be enough.

I note what the sometimes 	SerialPort allInstances 	  answer instance  after   the 	close method.

Perhaps remain occupied some resources?

They are still there because they are not yet garbage collected. If they are properly closed (check the printString in the inspector), the external resource should have been released.

Sorry, but I can't help you any further.




Also, why do you #close before you start, seems strange to me ?

On 17 Feb 2014, at 12:05, Dario Trussardi [hidden email] wrote:



I'm also interested by an answer to that question. So far, what I have as status is: you need a plugin to handle communications with the serial port (either for direct RS232 or USB-to-Serial) and compiling the serial port plugin with the Pharo VM makes it unstable.
I dont know " compiling " plugin  area.   ( i work with Windows 7 )

The solution we used was: to compile the serial plugin for the squeak VM and work in Squeak (4.3) instead of Pharo.
	Can you explain more detail about it?

	My test is :

	I download the   Pharo 2.0 #20628		and i    use the SerialPort 	 class.

	The first time i   do the code:

			| srl |
			srl := SerialPort new.
			srl close.

			srl openPort: 'COM1'.

			srl nextPutAll: #[ 27 66 2 2 ] .

	The RS232 device work fine.

	After the first time, when submit the same code the system answer:

		Error: Cannot open 'COM1'

	A this time i need to restart the Pharo environment.

	Any considerations,  suggestions ?




Le 16/02/2014 16:28, Dario Trussardi a écrit :

	i work with: 		Pharo1.Latest update: #14445		( or   with:	Pharo2.0 Latest update: #20628 ).

	I'm interested to manage communications with  USB 	 or 	RS232    device.

	I can find package  which support this protocol?

	Thank for any considerations ?



Thierry Goubier
CEA list
Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
Phone/Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 08 32 92 / 83 95



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Re: Package for manage USB - RS232

dario trussardi
422 posts
Some consideration:

in any case the SerialPort after the first open    don't close right  the connection.

( and raise the problem as in my last email. )

From other program i can't  manage the RS232 device   until i close the Pharo image,

even if all SerialPort instances are close.



Try adding (Smalltalk garbageCollect) after the #close.

I add it, but  after the   SerialPort allInstances return an array with aSerialPort.

Strange it's close.

I found what "generate" the problem it's in the openPort: method.

openPort: portId "Open the given serial port, using the settings specified by my instance variables." | result | self close. "8-10 - wks - this has to tell us if it fails: step 1, save the primitive result" result := portId isString ifTrue: [self primOpenPortByName: portId baudRate: baudRate stopBitsType: stopBitsType parityType: parityType dataBits: dataBits inFlowControlType: inputFlowControlType outFlowControlType: outputFlowControlType xOnByte: xOnByte xOffByte: xOffByte] ifFalse: [self primOpenPort: portId baudRate: baudRate stopBitsType: stopBitsType parityType: parityType dataBits: dataBits inFlowControlType: inputFlowControlType outFlowControlType: outputFlowControlType xOnByte: xOnByte xOffByte: xOffByte]. "wks - raise an error if there was a failure." result isNil ifTrue:[ self error:'Cannot open ', portId printString. ]. port := portId


The result isNotNil the thirst time i call the openPort: it's set at aSerialPort

isNil the last time i call the openPort

But if i remove the test : result isNil ifTrue:[ self error:'Cannot open ', portId printString. ].

all works fine the first and the following call.

There is something wrong in the primitive call answer.

Anyone is expert in this ?



Now a question of my own for the list.  Why does it seem common to do three #garbageCollects in a row.

cheers -ben

Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

On 17 Feb 2014, at 12:55, Dario Trussardi [hidden email] wrote:

Thanks Sven,

You should #close the port when you are done, else it remains in use, I would guess.
Of course,  i used :

	| srl | 
	srl := SerialPort new.
	srl openPort: 'COM1'.

	srl nextPutAll: #[ 27 66 2 2 ] .
	srl close.

But after the first time, when submit the same code the system answer:

		Error: Cannot open 'COM1'

I don't unterstand because.

Me neither. I have no experience working with serial ports (but I know some people on the list do), let alone on Windows, but from looking at the code #close should be enough.

I note what the sometimes 	SerialPort allInstances 	  answer instance  after   the 	close method.

Perhaps remain occupied some resources?

They are still there because they are not yet garbage collected. If they are properly closed (check the printString in the inspector), the external resource should have been released.

Sorry, but I can't help you any further.




Also, why do you #close before you start, seems strange to me ?

On 17 Feb 2014, at 12:05, Dario Trussardi [hidden email] wrote:



I'm also interested by an answer to that question. So far, what I have as status is: you need a plugin to handle communications with the serial port (either for direct RS232 or USB-to-Serial) and compiling the serial port plugin with the Pharo VM makes it unstable.
I dont know " compiling " plugin  area.   ( i work with Windows 7 )

The solution we used was: to compile the serial plugin for the squeak VM and work in Squeak (4.3) instead of Pharo.
	Can you explain more detail about it?

	My test is :

	I download the   Pharo 2.0 #20628		and i    use the SerialPort 	 class.

	The first time i   do the code:

			| srl |
			srl := SerialPort new.
			srl close.

			srl openPort: 'COM1'.

			srl nextPutAll: #[ 27 66 2 2 ] .

	The RS232 device work fine.

	After the first time, when submit the same code the system answer:

		Error: Cannot open 'COM1'

	A this time i need to restart the Pharo environment.

	Any considerations,  suggestions ?




Le 16/02/2014 16:28, Dario Trussardi a écrit :

	i work with: 		Pharo1.Latest update: #14445		( or   with:	Pharo2.0 Latest update: #20628 ).

	I'm interested to manage communications with  USB 	 or 	RS232    device.

	I can find package  which support this protocol?

	Thank for any considerations ?



Thierry Goubier
CEA list
Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
Phone/Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 08 32 92 / 83 95