Parameterized component links

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Parameterized component links


I asked some moons ago about the possibility to have parameterized
component links. I'm not that familiar with pier so my solution to this
might be a bit cheesy.

I wanted to have for multiple reason the ability to do


to parameterize a component at rendering time. The problem is
that the string is parsed to a link and the link has the parameters.
So the question is how the component gets notice of these. The
last possible call to do I recognized to be


I added the following to it at the beginning

   (anObject target isComponent) ifTrue: [
      anObject parameters do: [:each|
         (self context componentAt: anObject target) propertyAt: each
key put: each value.

So I just copy all the parameters over to the component. I found
that PRComponent has already properties so I'm using these. Is this
feasible to do? Is there a better way to do? Can this be added to

I use this for two scenarios:

- advising a component what type it should filter
- to select a child component from a Magritte container (not done, yet)


Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Parameterized component links

Lukas Renggli
> I asked some moons ago about the possibility to have parameterized
> component links. I'm not that familiar with pier so my solution to this
> might be a bit cheesy.

I added this functionality after you asked (see

> I wanted to have for multiple reason the ability to do
> +mycomponent1|key=value+

The key is set in the description of the component using #parameterName:


Lukas Renggli
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Parameterized component links

On Sun, 2009-05-17 at 22:24 +0200, Lukas Renggli wrote:
> > I asked some moons ago about the possibility to have parameterized
> > component links. I'm not that familiar with pier so my solution to this
> > might be a bit cheesy.
> I added this functionality after you asked (see
> PREmbeddedRenderer>>#visitComponent:).
Didn't you tell me to take care myself about it? Or did you tell me that
it is there? Can't remember! But thanks anyway. I shortly browsed the
stuff in monticello and that looks quite good. I'm eager to test it.
But I'm glad I tried to do it myself.A few things more learned about
> > I wanted to have for multiple reason the ability to do
> >
> > +mycomponent1|key=value+
> The key is set in the description of the component using #parameterName:
All it needs is another description :) Well done!



Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...