Pasted formatted text in workspace

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Pasted formatted text in workspace

Chris Uppal-3
Hi all,

Does anyone know of a simple hack to prevent text pasted into a workspace from
(say) Outlook Express or IE bringing its formatting information with it ?  I.e.
to paste it as plain text, not as a snippet of rich text.

I've getting heartily sick of pasting everything into PFE, then re-copying the
plain text, before pasting into the workspace...

Act now!  This is *your* chance to save an ageing programmer's sanity!


    -- chris

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Re: Pasted formatted text in workspace

Blair McGlashan
"Chris Uppal" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:3edf12cd$0$45171$[hidden email]...
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know of a simple hack to prevent text pasted into a workspace
> (say) Outlook Express or IE bringing its formatting information with it ?
> to paste it as plain text, not as a snippet of rich text.
> I've getting heartily sick of pasting everything into PFE, then re-copying
> plain text, before pasting into the workspace...
> Act now!  This is *your* chance to save an ageing programmer's sanity!

Chris, have you tried the 'Paste Text' command on the workspace context menu
(an excellent suggestion from Steve Waring)?

Unfortunately this doesn't work in reverse, so unless the target app.
supports a similar command, you end up pasting rich text into it if copied
from a workspace. Perhaps a 'Copy Text' is needed too.



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Re: Pasted formatted text in workspace

Chris Uppal-3

> > Does anyone know of a simple hack to prevent text pasted into a
> > workspace from (say) Outlook Express or IE bringing its formatting
> > information with it ? I.e. to paste it as plain text, not as a
> > snippet of rich text.
> [...]
> Chris, have you tried the 'Paste Text' command on the workspace
> context menu (an excellent suggestion from Steve Waring)?

No I hadn't.  Hadn't even noticed it was there!

Many thanks (and Steve too).

Would it be a good idea to bind that function to an accelerator like
Ctrl+Shift+V (as I have just done) ?

> Unfortunately this doesn't work in reverse, so unless the target app.
> supports a similar command, you end up pasting rich text into it if
> copied from a workspace. Perhaps a 'Copy Text' is needed too.

It would be nice -- if only because it'd be easier to paste code from Dolphin
into postings in this NG ;-)

    -- chris

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Re: Pasted formatted text in workspace

Mark Wilden
In reply to this post by Blair McGlashan
"Blair McGlashan" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:bbn6ok$bbdgb$[hidden email]...
> Chris, have you tried the 'Paste Text' command on the workspace context
> (an excellent suggestion from Steve Waring)?

This is what I do when I copy text from a web page.

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Re: Pasted formatted text in workspace

Mark Wilden
In reply to this post by Chris Uppal-3
"Chris Uppal" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:3edf6564$0$45184$[hidden email]...
> Would it be a good idea to bind that function to an accelerator like
> Ctrl+Shift+V (as I have just done) ?

If you've already done it, why are you asking them? :)