Patch Level 3 Available

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Patch Level 3 Available

Blair McGlashan

A new Live Update is available for Dolphin 5.0 to bring it up to Patch Level
3 (5.0.3). This patch level corrects a few minor issues with PL2, and
introduces a few further bug fixes and enhancements, as detailed here:

You can apply the patch to your current Dolphin image by double-clicking the
Dolphin Live Update icon in the System Folder.  You'll need to be connected
to the Internet at the time and Dolphin will then access our web site to
download the available patches. Note that because of an error in the Live
Update tool (see issue number 1157 in the PL3 release notes), it may fail to
install multiple patch levels in the correct order. Therefore if you are
upgrading from 5.0.1 you should first select and install Patch Level 2.
When you have installed Patch Level 2, or if you have previously installed
it, then you can proceed to install Patch Level 3.

The patch files are protected by a DolphinSure signature so you need
to acknowledge the Object Art certificate when it is presented (please note
that it may take a few seconds for this to appear while the patches are
downloaded and assembled).

Although you can apply the patch to your current working image we do not
recommend this since you may already have made incompatible changes to it.
If you do choose to patch your working image *please* make sure you have a
backup of it first.

Ideally, we would advise you start from a fresh image (you can get one using
the Fresh Install icon on the Dolphin start menu) and apply the patch to
that. Obviously, if you do this you should first save your current work in
package files so that they can later be reinstalled into the patched image.
Once you have patched an image, you should save it to disk as this is not
done automatically.

Best Regards,

Blair McGlashan
Dolphin Support

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Re: Patch Level 3 Available

Ian Bartholomew-18
> A new Live Update is available for Dolphin 5.0 to bring it up to
> Patch Level 3 (5.0.3). This patch level corrects a few minor issues
> with PL2, and introduces a few further bug fixes and enhancements, as
> detailed here:

It may just be me but I can't seem to get this to work online.  I start up a
fresh 5.0.1 image and request the update.  The dialog tell me that it has
acquired pl2 and pl3 but when I select pl2 and then "Install" I get a
progress dialog telling me that _pl3_ is being installed, and then a
walkback saying that the pl2 st file can't be found.

I also noticed that the DolphinSure certificate for pl2 referred to pl3 -
possibly connected?

I can update successfully using the open/save/file in workaround so the
files themselves appear to be correct.


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Re: Patch Level 3 Available

Blair McGlashan
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> > A new Live Update is available for Dolphin 5.0 to bring it up to
> > Patch Level 3 (5.0.3). This patch level corrects a few minor issues
> > with PL2, and introduces a few further bug fixes and enhancements, as
> > detailed here:
> It may just be me but I can't seem to get this to work online.  I start up

> fresh 5.0.1 image and request the update.  The dialog tell me that it has
> acquired pl2 and pl3 but when I select pl2 and then "Install" I get a
> progress dialog telling me that _pl3_ is being installed, and then a
> walkback saying that the pl2 st file can't be found.
> I also noticed that the DolphinSure certificate for pl2 referred to pl3 -
> possibly connected?
> I can update successfully using the open/save/file in workaround so the
> files themselves appear to be correct.

Ian, I think this is the problem with LiveUpdate. My instructions were not
helpful. The order of the items in the list is the issue. If starting from
5.01, it is necessary to click on the Available Patches column so that the
patches are listed in ascending order. You can then install both by
selecting the last (i.e. PL3). Alternatively you can first file in the
attached patch (from PL3) which fixes LiveUpdate itself.



!LiveUpdate methodsFor!

connectTo: aString
 self status: 'Connecting to ' , aString.

 "Prompt to go online"
 isOnline := WinInetLibrary default
    internetGoOnline: aString
    hwndParent: self view handle
    dwReserved: 0.
   [self status: 'Could not connect to ' , aString.
    notify: 'The Dolphin Live Update facility requires a connection to the
Either a connection is not available or the Dolphin Update site could not be
Please verify that your computer is online and press the Connect button to
try again.'
    caption: 'Dolphin Live Update: Update site could not be contacted'.
   OperationAborted signal].
 connectionIcon value: self icon!

downloadPatches: aString
 | patches |
 self status: 'Downloading updates from ' , aString.
 patches := self class availablePatches.
 patches isNil ifTrue: [^self].
 patches isEmpty
  ifTrue: [self status: 'There are no new updates available for this version
of Dolphin.']
   [self status: 'Downloaded updates from '
      , (self class dolphinUpdateLocation)].
 "The patches must be in ascending order"
 updates list: patches associations asSortedCollection!

 "Attempt to connect to the Dolphin Update site. If we are not able to do so
 we assume that we're not online. If successful, then download any available
 patches for this version."

 | url |
 connectionIcon value: (Icon fromId: 'LiveUpdateOff.ico').
 connectionIcon view update.
 url := self class dolphinUpdateLocation.

 [self connectTo: url.
 self downloadPatches: url.

 "Check for a description of a new base version of Dolphin"
 (self class urlExists: self class newVersionLocation)
  ifTrue: [SmalltalkSystem current openUrl: self class newVersionLocation]]
   on: OperationAborted
   do: [:ex | ].
 ^isOnline! !
!LiveUpdate categoriesFor: #connect!commands!public! !
!LiveUpdate categoriesFor: #downloadPatches:!helpers!private! !
!LiveUpdate categoriesFor: #connectTo:!helpers!private! !

| vc |
vc := Smalltalk developmentSystem openViewComposerEmpty.
vc openOn: (ResourceIdentifier class: LiveUpdate name: 'Default view').
(vc composingView viewNamed: 'updates') hasSortHeaders: false.
vc fileSave; exit!

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Re: Patch Level 3 Available

Ian Bartholomew-18

> Ian, I think this is the problem with LiveUpdate. My instructions
> were not helpful. The order of the items in the list is the issue. If
> starting from
> 5.01, it is necessary to click on the Available Patches column so
> that the patches are listed in ascending order. You can then install
> both by selecting the last (i.e. PL3).

Yes, that was it.  The update installed fine doing it that way.  Thanks.


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Re: Patch Level 3 Available

Geoffrey King
In reply to this post by Blair McGlashan
Warning- I am a newbie.

I started from PL2 and got the follow, told it to continue resuming
(transcript below)::

6:00:58 AM, Thursday, February 20, 2003: 'Menu does not understand
[] in UndefinedObject>>{unbound}doIt
Compiler class>>evaluate:for:evaluationPools:logged:ifFail:
Compiler class>>evaluate:for:evaluationPools:logged:
Compiler class>>evaluate:for:logged:
[] in ChunkSourceFiler>>fileIn
[] in ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:
[] in DolphinSureTrustedData class>>secure
[] in ChunkSourceFiler>>fileIn
[] in ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:
[] in LiveUpdate>>installPatches:notifying:
[] in LiveUpdate>>installPatches:notifying:
[] in LiveUpdate>>install
[] in ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:
[] in LiveUpdate>>install
[] in ProgressDialog>>forkOperation
[] in ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:

Error: UndefinedObject>>doIt at line 1: undeclared 'ProcessMonitor'
Error: UndefinedObject>>doIt at line 1: undeclared 'ProcessMonitor'
Image now at Patch Level 3

Was it actually a successful patch?

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Re: Patch Level 3 Available

Blair McGlashan
"Geoffrey King" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:3e53e37d$0$10325$[hidden email]...
> Warning- I am a newbie.
> I started from PL2 and got the follow, told it to continue resuming
> (transcript below)::
> 6:00:58 AM, Thursday, February 20, 2003: 'Menu does not understand
> #find:ifAbsent:'

Are you sure you started from PL2? The splash screen would show 5.0.2 if
that were so.

The reason I ask is because Menu>>find:ifAbsent: was added in PL2.

The patching process must complete without errors if it is to be deemed

If you need to start from a fresh 5.0.1 image (having first saved your work
in packages), you should follow this procedure after starting LiveUpdate:

1) Start LiveUpdate and wait for it to download both PL2 and PL3.
2) Now click the 'Available Patches' column header until the list is in
ascending order of patch level.
3) Select only PL2 (the first list entry), and install that.
4) When the installation of PL2 has completed, select PL3 (the only
remaining list entry), and install that.

We are working on a script to patch LiveUpdate and prompt for a restart so
that upgrading from 5.0.1 to 5.0.N, where N > 2, is easier in future.



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Re: Patch Level 3 Available

Geoffrey King
I think its because i am using an evaluation version.

"Blair McGlashan" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:b30s0j$1hf24o$[hidden email]...

> "Geoffrey King" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:3e53e37d$0$10325$[hidden email]...
> > Warning- I am a newbie.
> >
> >
> >
> > I started from PL2 and got the follow, told it to continue resuming
> > (transcript below)::
> >
> > 6:00:58 AM, Thursday, February 20, 2003: 'Menu does not understand
> > #find:ifAbsent:'
> Are you sure you started from PL2? The splash screen would show 5.0.2 if
> that were so.
> The reason I ask is because Menu>>find:ifAbsent: was added in PL2.
> The patching process must complete without errors if it is to be deemed
> successful.
> If you need to start from a fresh 5.0.1 image (having first saved your

> in packages), you should follow this procedure after starting LiveUpdate:
> 1) Start LiveUpdate and wait for it to download both PL2 and PL3.
> 2) Now click the 'Available Patches' column header until the list is in
> ascending order of patch level.
> 3) Select only PL2 (the first list entry), and install that.
> 4) When the installation of PL2 has completed, select PL3 (the only
> remaining list entry), and install that.
> We are working on a script to patch LiveUpdate and prompt for a restart so
> that upgrading from 5.0.1 to 5.0.N, where N > 2, is easier in future.
> Regards
> Blair

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Re: Patch Level 3 Available

John Kimber-2
In reply to this post by Blair McGlashan
I was getting this error until I checked the DolphinSure certificate.


"Blair McGlashan" <[hidden email]> wrote in message news:<b30s0j$1hf24o$[hidden email]>...

> "Geoffrey King" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:3e53e37d$0$10325$[hidden email]...
> > Warning- I am a newbie.
> >
> >
> >
> > I started from PL2 and got the follow, told it to continue resuming
> > (transcript below)::
> >
> > 6:00:58 AM, Thursday, February 20, 2003: 'Menu does not understand
> > #find:ifAbsent:'
> Are you sure you started from PL2? The splash screen would show 5.0.2 if
> that were so.
> The reason I ask is because Menu>>find:ifAbsent: was added in PL2.
> The patching process must complete without errors if it is to be deemed
> successful.
> If you need to start from a fresh 5.0.1 image (having first saved your work
> in packages), you should follow this procedure after starting LiveUpdate:
> 1) Start LiveUpdate and wait for it to download both PL2 and PL3.
> 2) Now click the 'Available Patches' column header until the list is in
> ascending order of patch level.
> 3) Select only PL2 (the first list entry), and install that.
> 4) When the installation of PL2 has completed, select PL3 (the only
> remaining list entry), and install that.
> We are working on a script to patch LiveUpdate and prompt for a restart so
> that upgrading from 5.0.1 to 5.0.N, where N > 2, is easier in future.
> Regards
> Blair

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Re: Patch Level 3 Available

Bill Schwab-2
In reply to this post by Blair McGlashan

> If you need to start from a fresh 5.0.1 image (having first saved your
> in packages), you should follow this procedure after starting LiveUpdate:
> 1) Start LiveUpdate and wait for it to download both PL2 and PL3.
> 2) Now click the 'Available Patches' column header until the list is in
> ascending order of patch level.
> 3) Select only PL2 (the first list entry), and install that.
> 4) When the installation of PL2 has completed, select PL3 (the only
> remaining list entry), and install that.

I just needed to do this, and with your instructions, it worked fine.  Dumb
question: would it also be ok to choose open for each patch and then file in
the patches in the correct order?

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Patch Level 3 Available

Blair McGlashan
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:b33tsk$1ibmll$[hidden email]...
> Blair,
> > If you need to start from a fresh 5.0.1 image (having first saved your
> work
> > in packages), you should follow this procedure after starting
> >
> > 1) Start LiveUpdate and wait for it to download both PL2 and PL3.
> > 2) Now click the 'Available Patches' column header until the list is in
> > ascending order of patch level.
> > 3) Select only PL2 (the first list entry), and install that.
> > 4) When the installation of PL2 has completed, select PL3 (the only
> > remaining list entry), and install that.
> I just needed to do this, and with your instructions, it worked fine.
> question: would it also be ok to choose open for each patch and then file
> the patches in the correct order?

Yup. The main problem with LiveUpdate is that it may attempt to file in the
patches in the wrong order. It also disables package manager event
processing, which was OK when it was written, but in D5 results in some of
the patches ending up in the wrong packages, or uncommitted. PL2 contains a
workaround fix for this, and fixes LiveUpdate itself, but it has to be
applied individually as otherwise the unpatched method will still be running
when the install for PL3 starts. If you file in the patches, all should be

