>> We are contacting Nuxeo SAS as a former supporter of the
>> "Economic Majority" campaign (
http://economic-majority.com/), launched
>> by the FFII regarding a legislative project which tried to legalise
>> software patents in the EU.
>> Support from enterprises has repeatedly been decisive for our work, as
>> exemplified by the successful defusing of the software patent directive
>> in 2005. Although this has prevented software patents from being
>> enforceable in Europe, the European Patent Office (EPO) is still
>> granting such patents.
>> As soon as the Parliament returns after the summer break, Members of the
>> European Parliament will debate on a draft regulation about a unitary
>> patent and on a draft international agreement setting up a unified
>> patent court. But this project amounts to rubber stamp EPO's practices
>> of granting software patents, which would be enforceable before a court
>> that is likely to follow EPO's case law.
>> In a debate where the position of patent attorneys and judges is yet the
>> only one to be heard, we wish to ask for your involvement to highlight
>> the damage the current project would cause to European ICT enterprises.
>> Please let us know by answering this mail whether Nuxeo SAS
>> would accept to publicly support the resolution below.
>> For more information on the unitary patent, please see the dedicated
>> website:
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Benjamin Henrion, FFII president