Hi Pavel
I have the impression that
MCPackageLoader>>useChangeSetNamed: baseName during: aBlock
"Use the named change set, or create one with the given name."
| changeHolder oldChanges newChanges |
changeHolder := (ChangeSet respondsTo: #newChanges:)
ifTrue: [ChangeSet]
ifFalse: [Smalltalk].
oldChanges := (ChangeSet respondsTo: #current)
ifTrue: [ChangeSet current]
ifFalse: [Smalltalk changes].
newChanges := (ChangeSorter changeSetNamed: baseName) ifNil:
[ ChangeSet new name: baseName ].
changeHolder newChanges: newChanges.
[aBlock value] ensure: [changeHolder newChanges: oldChanges].
should use Changes
MCPackageLoader>>useChangeSetNamed: baseName during: aBlock
"Use the named change set, or create one with the given name."
| changeHolder oldChanges newChanges |
changeHolder := (ChangeSet respondsTo: #newChanges:)
ifTrue: [ChangeSet]
ifFalse: [Smalltalk].
oldChanges := (ChangeSet respondsTo: #current)
ifTrue: [ChangeSet current]
ifFalse: [Smalltalk changes].
newChanges := (ChangesOrganizer changeSetNamed: baseName) ifNil:
[ ChangeSet new name: baseName ].
changeHolder newChanges: newChanges.
[aBlock value] ensure: [changeHolder newChanges: oldChanges].
It would be coherent not to really on UI (changeSorter) but on the
domain objects (changeOrganizer).
http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id= 4825
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