Performance of Dolphin

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Performance of Dolphin

I became a Dolphin user after being a devoted Dylan fan (I still am, but
maybe a bit less so than before--and I mean the programming language
not Bob), so I still follow the Dylan newsgroup.  There was recently a
post there from someone trying to gauge the speed of the one commercial
Dylan implementation against Lisp, C++, and Python for computing some
values from a heat conduction equation.  Since I'm new to Smalltalk, I
couldn't resist trying to do the algorithm in Smalltalk.  My attempt is
below.  On my Pentium III 500 running NT 4.0, Dolphin runs in about 15 -
20 seconds.  By the way C++ does this on a PII 450 in 0.2 seconds.
After some help from the experts,  the Dylan time got down to somewhere
around 3.7 seconds.   Are there any simple optimizations that would make
a Smalltalk version faster?

Note:  I don't want to cause worthless language flaming.  Just curious.

Apologies for the formatting.  I can only submit through from

First the algorithm (which was simply typed into a workspace.  It
depends on the Array2D class which follows the algorithm:

t1 := (Array2D new: 300 d2: 300) fill: 1.0.
t2 := (Array2D new: 300 d2: 300) fill: 30.0.

Transcript show: 'Heat Conduction Run' ; cr.
(Interval from: 1 to: 10) do:
  [ :k |
        (Interval from: 2 to: 299) do:
          [  :i |
                (Interval from: 2 to: 299) do:
                  [  :j | t2 row: i col:j put:  ((t1 row: i col: j) +
1.0 +
                                            (0.1 * ((t1 row: i + 1 col:
j) +
                                                     (t1 row:  i - 1
col: j) +
                                                     (t1 row: i     col:
j + 1) +
                                                     (t1 row: i  col: j
- 1) - (4.0 * (t1 row: i col: j))))).  ]].

            (Interval from: 2 to: 299) do:
              [  :i |
                   (Interval from: 2 to: 299) do:
                    [  :j | t1 row: i col:j put:  ((t2 row: i col: j) +
1.0 +
                                            (0.1 * ((t2 row: i + 1 col:
j) +
                                                     (t2 row:  i - 1
col: j) +
                                                     (t2 row: i     col:
j + 1) +
                                                     (t2 row: i  col: j
- 1) - (4.0 * (t2 row: i col: j))))).  ]].
           Transcript show: (t1 row: 150 col: 150) printString; cr; cr.


"Class Definitions"!

Array variableSubclass: #Array2D
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        classInstanceVariableNames: ''!
"Loose Methods"!

"End of package definition"!

Array2D comment: ''!

Array2D guid: (GUID fromString:

!Array2D categoriesForClass!Unclassified! !
!Array2D methodsFor!

fill: aNumber

^ self do: [ :row |   (Interval from: 1 to: (row size))
                            do: [ :index | row at: index put: aNumber ]

r: row c: col

^(self at: row) at: col.!

r: row c: col  put: aNumber

^(self at: row) at: col put: aNumber.!

!Array2D class methodsFor!

new: d1 d2: dim2
  | temp |
 temp := ( super new: d1 ).

(Interval from: 1 to: d1) do:
   [ :index | temp at: index put: (Array new: dim2 )].

Sent via

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Bill Schwab-2
> I became a Dolphin user after being a devoted Dylan fan (I still am, but
> maybe a bit less so than before--and I mean the programming language
> not Bob), so I still follow the Dylan newsgroup.  There was recently a
> post there from someone trying to gauge the speed of the one commercial
> Dylan implementation against Lisp, C++, and Python for computing some
> values from a heat conduction equation.  Since I'm new to Smalltalk, I
> couldn't resist trying to do the algorithm in Smalltalk.  My attempt is
> below.  On my Pentium III 500 running NT 4.0, Dolphin runs in about 15 -
> 20 seconds.  By the way C++ does this on a PII 450 in 0.2 seconds.
> After some help from the experts,  the Dylan time got down to somewhere
> around 3.7 seconds.   Are there any simple optimizations that would make
> a Smalltalk version faster?

Good Smalltalk code will generally run slower than good C/C++ code; but,
good Smalltalk is a LOT easier to write than good C++.  It is often true
that Smalltalk will allow time for optimizations that would not happen in
other languages.  A refined Smalltalk app can be faster, and certainly more
stable and easier to maintain, than the first C++ app that doesn't crash
(assuming the C++ project even reaches that stage).

I have a particular Smalltalk app doing screen updates with very reasonable
performance (with a moderately patient user, it can still function on a
486-100); in other situations, I resort to a C++ DLL, especially for heavy
number crunching.  Numerical analysis is sometimes more easily done in C++
anyway due to available source code for many algorithms; Smalltalk wrappers
make it easy to get the memory management correct, and to assemble small
steps into larger ones.  Finally, try experimenting with interactive
creation of presentation graphics in VC++ :)  For things that involve lots
of tedious data capture, I've gone so far as to write wizard interfaces to
do the error prone parts.

One of the best things you can do is try Ian Bartholomew's profiler on your
code.  Bottlenecks tend to show themselves; if tuning in Smalltalk fails to
give the desired performance, you can always create a DLL and do the
expensive work in it.  As a first suggestion, try replacing things like (1
to:3) do:[ :i | ] with 1 to:3 do:[ :i | ] - Ian's profiler will allow you to
measure the difference to see if it's worth pursuing further.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Ian Bartholomew
In reply to this post by johncwhi

NumberCrunching in this way is not really something that Smalltalk is
renowned for so please don't read too much into comparisons resulting from
this test.

FWIW, I've managed to knock 30% off of the execution time for the example
you gave. I might be able to skim a bit more so I won't post until I've had
a further think - or someone else does better.

For future reference - The compiler inlines #to:do: so (in normal apps)
using it instead of your Interval>>from:to: will certainly improve execution
times. It doesn't make much difference to your example though.


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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Ian Bartholomew
> I might be able to skim a bit more so I won't post until I've had
> a further think

Just over a 50% reduction is the best I can do.

Homework: Time the workspace example using the code below and then make one
alteration to the #updateValueRow:col: method - changing (current * 4) to (4
* current) - and time it again.

Discuss <g>


Workspace -

Time millisecondsToRun: [
    t1 := (Array2D new: 300 d2: 300) fill: 1.0.
    t2 := (Array2D new: 300 d2: 300) fill: 30.0.

    Transcript show: 'Heat Conduction Run' ; cr.

    10 timesRepeat: [
        i := 1.
        [i <= 298] whileTrue: [
            j := 2.
            [j <= 299] whileTrue: [
                t2 updateRow: i col: j in: t1.
                j := j + 1].
            i := i + 1].
        i := 1.
        [i <= 298] whileTrue: [
            j := 2.
            [j <= 299] whileTrue: [
                t1 updateRow: i col: j in: t2.
                j := j + 1].
            i := i + 1].
        Transcript show: (t1 row: 150 col: 150) printString; cr; cr]]

Class -

Array variableSubclass: #Array2D
    instanceVariableNames: 'columns'
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    classInstanceVariableNames: ''

Array2D class>>new: dim1 d2: dim2
    ^(super new: dim1 * dim2) setColumns: dim2

Array2D>>updateRow: row col: col in: anArray
        at: col + (row * columns)
        put: (anArray updateValueRow: row col: col)

Array2D>>fill: aNumber
    self atAllPut: aNumber

Array2D>>updateValueRow: row col: col
    | location current |
    current := self at: (location := col + (row * columns)).
    ^(((self at: location + columns)
        + (self at: location - columns)
        + (self at: location + 1)
        + (self at: location - 1)
        - (current * 4)) * 0.1) + current + 1

Array2D>>setColumns: anInteger
    columns := anInteger

Array2D>>row: row col: col
    ^self at: row * columns + col

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Ian Bartholomew wrote:

> > I might be able to skim a bit more so I won't post until I've had
> > a further think
> Just over a 50% reduction is the best I can do.

Did you consider jumping into C for some critical parts ?

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

John Whittaker
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:942iqc$bflfi$[hidden email]...
> John,
> NumberCrunching in this way is not really something that Smalltalk is
> renowned for so please don't read too much into comparisons resulting from
> this test.
> FWIW, I've managed to knock 30% off of the execution time for the example
> you gave. I might be able to skim a bit more so I won't post until I've
> a further think - or someone else does better.
> For future reference - The compiler inlines #to:do: so (in normal apps)
> using it instead of your Interval>>from:to: will certainly improve
> times. It doesn't make much difference to your example though.

I realize that Smalltalk is not necessarily geared to "crunching numbers",
but at the same time it's alway instructive to pose these kinds of
questions.  I also hoped that I might be able to introduce the Dylan
language to Smalltalkers through this exercise.  While Smalltalk is my
language of choice right now, I've always loved the functional approach.
Dylan combines the best of both worlds.   Thanks for your insights into
optimizing Smalltalk.  I have learned something from this.

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

John Whittaker
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew
> Time millisecondsToRun: [
>     t1 := (Array2D new: 300 d2: 300) fill: 1.0.
>     t2 := (Array2D new: 300 d2: 300) fill: 30.0.
>     Transcript show: 'Heat Conduction Run' ; cr.
>     10 timesRepeat: [
>         i := 1.
>         [i <= 298] whileTrue: [
>             j := 2.
>             [j <= 299] whileTrue: [
>                 t2 updateRow: i col: j in: t1.
>                 j := j + 1].
>             i := i + 1].
>         i := 1.
>         [i <= 298] whileTrue: [
>             j := 2.
>             [j <= 299] whileTrue: [
>                 t1 updateRow: i col: j in: t2.
>                 j := j + 1].
>             i := i + 1].
>         Transcript show: (t1 row: 150 col: 150) printString; cr; cr]]
> Class -
> Array variableSubclass: #Array2D
>     instanceVariableNames: 'columns'
>     classVariableNames: ''
>     poolDictionaries: ''
>     classInstanceVariableNames: ''
> Array2D class>>new: dim1 d2: dim2
>     ^(super new: dim1 * dim2) setColumns: dim2
> Array2D>>updateRow: row col: col in: anArray
>     self
>         at: col + (row * columns)
>         put: (anArray updateValueRow: row col: col)
> Array2D>>fill: aNumber
>     self atAllPut: aNumber
> Array2D>>updateValueRow: row col: col
>     | location current |
>     current := self at: (location := col + (row * columns)).
>     ^(((self at: location + columns)
>         + (self at: location - columns)
>         + (self at: location + 1)
>         + (self at: location - 1)
>         - (current * 4)) * 0.1) + current + 1
[rest of code snipped]

It's interesting and a bit counter-intuitive to me that creating the method
updateValueRow cuts down the execution time.  There's obviously some message
sending overhead here.  Is that overhead dominated by the speed gained by
not having to reference the array object in the old straight-line approach?
If so, could the Dolphin compiler maybe do a bit of its own inlining if it
were sufficiently sophisticated?   (Just guessing, but this is probably what
the FD (Functional Developer) Dylan compiler does in Dylan).

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Dave Harris-3
In reply to this post by johncwhi
[hidden email] () wrote (abridged):
>                 (Interval from: 2 to: 299) do:

That is one of the slowest ways of doing it.
    2 to: 299 do:

should be faster, but the difference is only about 12% on my machine.

> r: row c: col
> ^(self at: row) at: col.!

This is an array of arrays, with lots of double-indirection. It may be
quicker to use a single array with a rectangular conversion. Eg:

   row: row col: col
      ^self at: (row - 1) * colSize + col

This is closer to what the C++ will have been doing. However, the
difference on my machine is marginal.

I suspect we really need a method like:
        transformBy: [:above :below :centre :left :right| ... ]
        yeilding: t2

where the block's arguments are the array elements surrounding the centre
one, and the block answers the new centre value. A naive implementation
would be like:

    transformBy: aBlock yeilding: anArray2D
       2 to: self rowSize - 1 do: [:i|
          2 to: self colSize - 1 do: [:j|
             anArray2D row: i col: j put:
                    value: (self row: i-1 col: j)
                    value: (self row: i+1 col: j)
                    value: (self row: i col: j)
                    value: (self row: i col: j-1)
                    value: (self row: i col: j+1))]]

This separates the iteration logic from the code which decides the actual
transform. It would then become feasible to inline the #row:col: messages
manually, which would make it possible to cache various common
subexpressions and loop invariants.

Later... I tried this, and found I couldn't easily use a block as there
isn't a 5-value message, so I send a message to self instead. I ended up

fastTransformYeilding: anArray2D
    2 to: rowSize - 1 do: [:i| |above below centre left right|
        above := self indexOf: i-1 col: 0.
        centre := self indexOf: i col: 0.
        below := self indexOf: i+1 col: 0.
        left := centre-1.
        right := centre + 1.
        2 to: colSize - 1 do: [:j|
            anArray2D at: centre+j put:
                    transformAbove: (self at: above+j)
                    below: (self at: below+j)
                    centre: (self at: centre+j)
                    left: (self at: left+j)
                    right: (self at: right+j)) ]]

transformAbove: above below: below centre: centre left: left right: right
    ^1.0 + centre + (0.1 * below) + above + left + right - (4.0 * centre)

This ran in about 40% of the time of the original, which is not as big an
improvement as I'd hoped for. It probably goes beyond what you'd call a
"simple optimisation", too. Inlining #transformAbove:... and using
#basicAt: got the time down to 33% of the original, but the result was
pretty ugly.

Assuming your machine scales, and going with the 40% figure, we would be
talking about 7 seconds versus Dylan's 3.7, or a factor of 2. To be
honest I would have thought Dylan would be much closer to C++'s figure
than Dolphin's.

  Dave Harris, Nottingham, UK | "Weave a circle round him thrice,
      [hidden email]      |   And close your eyes with holy dread,
                              |  For he on honey dew hath fed |   And drunk the milk of Paradise."

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Ian Bartholomew
In reply to this post by panu

> Did you consider jumping into C for some critical parts ?

Could have done (although I would have used Delphi) but the idea was to see
what could be achieved using Smalltalk.

I knocked it down to 40% of the original by moving the loops into the
Array2D class (as Dave did in his example) and now, for my part, intend to
leave it there <g>


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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Ian Bartholomew
In reply to this post by John Whittaker

> It's interesting and a bit counter-intuitive to me that creating the
> updateValueRow cuts down the execution time.  There's obviously some
> sending overhead here.  Is that overhead dominated by the speed gained by
> not having to reference the array object in the old straight-line

It's just reducing the total number of messages sent and also replacing the
messages that are sent with much simpler ones (i.e. closer to Dolphins VM
primitives) directly onto the flattened Array.

Smalltalk is all about message sending - it does nothing else. The message
sending code is _very_ optimised but each one obviously takes a finite time.
If you reduce the number of direct message sends (and therefore the message
sends that they would have invoked, etc) then you will also reduce the time


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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Ted Bracht-2
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew
> Class -
> Array variableSubclass: #Array2D
>     instanceVariableNames: 'columns'
>     classVariableNames: ''
>     poolDictionaries: ''
>     classInstanceVariableNames: ''
> Array2D class>>new: dim1 d2: dim2
>     ^(super new: dim1 * dim2) setColumns: dim2
> Array2D>>updateRow: row col: col in: anArray
>     self
>         at: col + (row * columns)
>         put: (anArray updateValueRow: row col: col)
> Array2D>>fill: aNumber
>     self atAllPut: aNumber
> Array2D>>updateValueRow: row col: col
>     | location current |
>     current := self at: (location := col + (row * columns)).
>     ^(((self at: location + columns)
>         + (self at: location - columns)
>         + (self at: location + 1)
>         + (self at: location - 1)
>         - (current * 4)) * 0.1) + current + 1
> Array2D>>setColumns: anInteger
>     columns := anInteger
> Array2D>>row: row col: col
>     ^self at: row * columns + col

Maybe try changing the Array2D in an array of points?

My 2p


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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Dave Harris-3
In reply to this post by Dave Harris-3
[hidden email] (Dave Harris) wrote (abridged):
> transformAbove: above below: below centre: centre left: left right:
> right
>     ^1.0 + centre + (0.1 * below) + above + left + right - (4.0 *
> centre)

Actually should be:
    ^centre + 1 + ((below + above + left + right + (centre * -4)) * 0.1)
because I misread the original formatting.

Rearranging the expression can make a difference. Intuitively I'd expect
putting the literal first to be faster - because the compiler should
realise #* cannot be overridden and do extra inlining. However, in
practice the compiler doesn't seem to do this optimisation.

Also, I'd have expected using 4.0 to be faster than 4 because it avoids
an int-to-float conversion. In practice it is slightly slower. I guess
the gain is small because the conversion is done inside the primitive,
and outweighed by the extra cost from unboxing the float.

Using + (centre * -4) is marginally (but consistently) faster than -
(centre * 4). This implies that addition is faster than subtraction -
perhaps an effect of caching (as the previous ops are also additions).

After looking at Ian's code I tweaked my main loop a bit:

fastTransformYielding: anArray2D
    2 to: rowSize - 1 do: [:i| |start finish|
        start := i * (colSize-1) + 2.
        finish := start + colSize - 3.
        start to: finish do: [:centre|
            anArray2D basicAt: centre put: (self
                transformAbove: (self basicAt: centre-colSize)
                below: (self basicAt: centre+colSize)
                centre: (self basicAt: centre)
                left: (self basicAt: centre-1)
                right: (self basicAt: centre+1))]]

This has fewer variables and does slightly less maths. I tried using
#whileTrue: but it didn't seem to help. The difference in speed is
marginal but I prefer this because it feels simpler than my previous

I also prefer this to Ian's because I think it keeps all the grunge in
one place. The #transformAbove:... routine actually makes the core
equation clearer than the original, and #fastTransformYielding: is more
reusable. It's 38% faster.

  Dave Harris, Nottingham, UK | "Weave a circle round him thrice,
      [hidden email]      |   And close your eyes with holy dread,
                              |  For he on honey dew hath fed |   And drunk the milk of Paradise."

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Ian Bartholomew

> Rearranging the expression can make a difference.

Yes. That was the reason for the "homework" comment in my original post. I
knew that the simple reordering of the (centre * 4) expression would make a
difference but I was surprised at the amount - giving an improvement of
around 20% in the version I was testing at the time.

> I also prefer this to Ian's because I think it keeps all the grunge in
> one place. The #transformAbove:... routine actually makes the core
> equation clearer than the original, and #fastTransformYielding: is more
> reusable. It's 38% faster.

Yes, I agree. It's much clearer and closer to "proper" Smalltalk than my
(and John's) version. I was keeping too close to John's original by putting
the looping in the workspace. Moving it into the method as well knocked
another 10% off the timing.

I've forced myself to delete all the files and tear up all the bits of paper
concerning this now. Don't you find you get into the "one more little tweak
and then I will go on to what I really should be doing" loop mode with
something like this. Hours later you are still trying "one more little
tweak". <g>


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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Dave Harris-3
In reply to this post by John Whittaker
[hidden email] (John Whittaker) wrote (abridged):
> It's interesting and a bit counter-intuitive to me that creating the
> method updateValueRow cuts down the execution time.

This kind of thing is good OO design because it moves the responsibility
closer to where it belongs, in the array object. This often leads to
faster code because as a member, the method can exploit knowledge of the
object's private representation; it can take short-cuts which would be
dangerous or impossible for an outsider.

In this case it also enables some caching. The location only has to be
worked out once, rather than 6 times as in the original code.

> There's obviously some message sending overhead here.

Inlining a similar method in my version takes it from 38% to 33%.

  Dave Harris, Nottingham, UK | "Weave a circle round him thrice,
      [hidden email]      |   And close your eyes with holy dread,
                              |  For he on honey dew hath fed |   And drunk the milk of Paradise."

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Dave Harris-3
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew
[hidden email] (Ian Bartholomew) wrote (abridged):
> Homework: Time the workspace example using the code below and then
> make one alteration to the #updateValueRow:col: method -
> changing (current * 4) to (4 * current) - and time it again.
> Discuss <g>

The primitive #* for Float also works for SmallInteger arguments. The one
for SmallInteger doesn't return the favour so you get a whole lot of
extra code, including a double-dispatch and a conversion, in Smalltalk.

If you use 4.0 instead of 4, the effect mostly goes away.

  Dave Harris, Nottingham, UK | "Weave a circle round him thrice,
      [hidden email]      |   And close your eyes with holy dread,
                              |  For he on honey dew hath fed |   And drunk the milk of Paradise."

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Phil Lewis-2
In reply to this post by johncwhi
So, after all of the previous suggestions, if you take the most efficient
code submitted and run on the same machine, what is final timing for

<[hidden email]> wrote in message news:9425ef$4on$[hidden email]...

> I became a Dolphin user after being a devoted Dylan fan (I still am, but
> maybe a bit less so than before--and I mean the programming language
> not Bob), so I still follow the Dylan newsgroup.  There was recently a
> post there from someone trying to gauge the speed of the one commercial
> Dylan implementation against Lisp, C++, and Python for computing some
> values from a heat conduction equation.  Since I'm new to Smalltalk, I
> couldn't resist trying to do the algorithm in Smalltalk.  My attempt is
> below.  On my Pentium III 500 running NT 4.0, Dolphin runs in about 15 -
> 20 seconds.  By the way C++ does this on a PII 450 in 0.2 seconds.
> After some help from the experts,  the Dylan time got down to somewhere
> around 3.7 seconds.   Are there any simple optimizations that would make
> a Smalltalk version faster?
> Note:  I don't want to cause worthless language flaming.  Just curious.
> Apologies for the formatting.  I can only submit through from
> work.
> First the algorithm (which was simply typed into a workspace.  It
> depends on the Array2D class which follows the algorithm:
> t1 := (Array2D new: 300 d2: 300) fill: 1.0.
> t2 := (Array2D new: 300 d2: 300) fill: 30.0.
> Transcript show: 'Heat Conduction Run' ; cr.
> (Interval from: 1 to: 10) do:
>   [ :k |
>         (Interval from: 2 to: 299) do:
>           [  :i |
>                 (Interval from: 2 to: 299) do:
>                   [  :j | t2 row: i col:j put:  ((t1 row: i col: j) +
> 1.0 +
>                                             (0.1 * ((t1 row: i + 1 col:
> j) +
>                                                      (t1 row:  i - 1
> col: j) +
>                                                      (t1 row: i     col:
> j + 1) +
>                                                      (t1 row: i  col: j
> - 1) - (4.0 * (t1 row: i col: j))))).  ]].
>             (Interval from: 2 to: 299) do:
>               [  :i |
>                    (Interval from: 2 to: 299) do:
>                     [  :j | t1 row: i col:j put:  ((t2 row: i col: j) +
> 1.0 +
>                                             (0.1 * ((t2 row: i + 1 col:
> j) +
>                                                      (t2 row:  i - 1
> col: j) +
>                                                      (t2 row: i     col:
> j + 1) +
>                                                      (t2 row: i  col: j
> - 1) - (4.0 * (t2 row: i col: j))))).  ]].
>            Transcript show: (t1 row: 150 col: 150) printString; cr; cr.
> ].
> package!
> "Class Definitions"!
> Array variableSubclass: #Array2D
> instanceVariableNames: ''
> classVariableNames: ''
> poolDictionaries: ''
> classInstanceVariableNames: ''!
> "Loose Methods"!
> "End of package definition"!
> Array2D comment: ''!
> Array2D guid: (GUID fromString:
> '{EB7F0C00-9732-4767-8B67-57A9CB9F1440}')!
> !Array2D categoriesForClass!Unclassified! !
> !Array2D methodsFor!
> fill: aNumber
> ^ self do: [ :row |   (Interval from: 1 to: (row size))
>                             do: [ :index | row at: index put: aNumber ]
> ].!
> r: row c: col
> ^(self at: row) at: col.!
> r: row c: col  put: aNumber
> ^(self at: row) at: col put: aNumber.!
> !Array2D class methodsFor!
> new: d1 d2: dim2
>   | temp |
>  temp := ( super new: d1 ).
> (Interval from: 1 to: d1) do:
>    [ :index | temp at: index put: (Array new: dim2 )].
> ^temp.
> Sent via

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Keith Alcock
In reply to this post by johncwhi
The code below is no longer object-oriented, but it is at least faster than
the original version.  The same types of changes could probably be made to
the C++ and Dylan code to speed those versions as well, so this doesn't
necessarily help in any race.  It takes about 40% of the original execution
time, so that's over a degree of magnitude (base 2, that is).  On Dolphin 4
it comes in at just over 5 seconds.


 | rowDim colDim edge t1 t2 firstIndex rowReps colReps |
 rowDim := 300.
 colDim := 300.
 edge := 1.
 t1 := (Array new: rowDim * colDim) atAllPut: 1.
 t2 := (Array new: rowDim * colDim) atAllPut: 30.

 firstIndex := 1 + rowDim + edge.
 rowReps := rowDim - edge - edge.
 colReps := colDim - edge - edge.

 10 timesRepeat: [
  | rowIndex |
  rowIndex := firstIndex.
  rowReps timesRepeat: [
   | colIndex |
   colIndex := rowIndex.
   colReps timesRepeat: [
    t2 at: colIndex put: (
     1.0 +
     (0.6 * (t1 at: colIndex)) +
     (0.1 * (
      (t1 at: colIndex + colDim) +
      (t1 at: colIndex - colDim) +
      (t1 at: colIndex - 1) +
      (t1 at: (colIndex := colIndex + 1))
   rowIndex := rowIndex + colDim.

  rowIndex := firstIndex.
  rowReps timesRepeat: [
   | colIndex |
   colIndex := rowIndex.
   colReps timesRepeat: [
    t1 at: colIndex put: (
     1.0 +
     (0.6 * (t2 at: colIndex)) +
     (0.1 * (
      (t2 at: colIndex + colDim) +
      (t2 at: colIndex - colDim) +
      (t2 at: colIndex - 1) +
      (t2 at: (colIndex := colIndex + 1))
   rowIndex := rowIndex + colDim.
   show: (t1 at: (rowDim / 2 * rowDim - rowDim + (colDim / 2))) printString;



 | time |
 Transcript show: 'Heat Conduction Run' ; cr.
 time := Time millisecondsToRun: [ self test ].
  show: 'Time in milliseconds was: ';
  show: time printString;

[hidden email] wrote:

> I became a Dolphin user after being a devoted Dylan fan (I still am, but
> maybe a bit less so than before--and I mean the programming language
> not Bob), so I still follow the Dylan newsgroup.  There was recently a
> post there from someone trying to gauge the speed of the one commercial
> Dylan implementation against Lisp, C++, and Python for computing some
> values from a heat conduction equation.  Since I'm new to Smalltalk, I
> couldn't resist trying to do the algorithm in Smalltalk.  My attempt is
> below.  On my Pentium III 500 running NT 4.0, Dolphin runs in about 15 -
> 20 seconds.  By the way C++ does this on a PII 450 in 0.2 seconds.
> After some help from the experts,  the Dylan time got down to somewhere
> around 3.7 seconds.   Are there any simple optimizations that would make
> a Smalltalk version faster?
> Note:  I don't want to cause worthless language flaming.  Just curious.
> Apologies for the formatting.  I can only submit through from
> work.
> First the algorithm (which was simply typed into a workspace.  It
> depends on the Array2D class which follows the algorithm:
> t1 := (Array2D new: 300 d2: 300) fill: 1.0.
> t2 := (Array2D new: 300 d2: 300) fill: 30.0.
> Transcript show: 'Heat Conduction Run' ; cr.
> (Interval from: 1 to: 10) do:
>   [ :k |
>         (Interval from: 2 to: 299) do:
>           [  :i |
>                 (Interval from: 2 to: 299) do:
>                   [  :j | t2 row: i col:j put:  ((t1 row: i col: j) +
> 1.0 +
>                                             (0.1 * ((t1 row: i + 1 col:
> j) +
>                                                      (t1 row:  i - 1
> col: j) +
>                                                      (t1 row: i     col:
> j + 1) +
>                                                      (t1 row: i  col: j
> - 1) - (4.0 * (t1 row: i col: j))))).  ]].
>             (Interval from: 2 to: 299) do:
>               [  :i |
>                    (Interval from: 2 to: 299) do:
>                     [  :j | t1 row: i col:j put:  ((t2 row: i col: j) +
> 1.0 +
>                                             (0.1 * ((t2 row: i + 1 col:
> j) +
>                                                      (t2 row:  i - 1
> col: j) +
>                                                      (t2 row: i     col:
> j + 1) +
>                                                      (t2 row: i  col: j
> - 1) - (4.0 * (t2 row: i col: j))))).  ]].
>            Transcript show: (t1 row: 150 col: 150) printString; cr; cr.
> ].
> package!
> "Class Definitions"!
> Array variableSubclass: #Array2D
>         instanceVariableNames: ''
>         classVariableNames: ''
>         poolDictionaries: ''
>         classInstanceVariableNames: ''!
> "Loose Methods"!
> "End of package definition"!
> Array2D comment: ''!
> Array2D guid: (GUID fromString:
> '{EB7F0C00-9732-4767-8B67-57A9CB9F1440}')!
> !Array2D categoriesForClass!Unclassified! !
> !Array2D methodsFor!
> fill: aNumber
> ^ self do: [ :row |   (Interval from: 1 to: (row size))
>                             do: [ :index | row at: index put: aNumber ]
> ].!
> r: row c: col
> ^(self at: row) at: col.!
> r: row c: col  put: aNumber
> ^(self at: row) at: col put: aNumber.!
> !Array2D class methodsFor!
> new: d1 d2: dim2
>   | temp |
>  temp := ( super new: d1 ).
> (Interval from: 1 to: d1) do:
>    [ :index | temp at: index put: (Array new: dim2 )].
> ^temp.
> Sent via

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Artur Zaroda
In reply to this post by Dave Harris-3
On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Dave Harris wrote:

> ... and using
> #basicAt: got the time down to 33% of the original, but the result was
> pretty ugly.

It's strange, but on my machine (old Pentium - don't know, what are
the results on other processors), Object>>at: is faster then
Object>>basicAt: in 4.0 (it was slower in previous versions). Since many
low level methods in Collection hierarchy are using #basicAt:, there may
be a simple way to improve their performance just by applying to
Object>>basicAt: same changes, that speeded up Object>>at:.

Artur Zaroda
[hidden email]

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Dave Harris-3
In reply to this post by johncwhi
[hidden email] () wrote (abridged):
> By the way C++ does this on a PII 450 in 0.2 seconds. After some
> help from the experts,  the Dylan time got down to somewhere around
> 3.7 seconds.

Are you going to show us the Dylan code?

I don't understand why Dylan was so slow. I don't know the FunDev
product, but from the review at:

it is a static compiler. Are you sure it was used in "production mode"?

Admittedly Dylan's time was twice as good as Dolphin's, but then Dolphin
is interpreted bytecode. It would be mildly interesting to see how other
Smalltalk implementations do. I would expect VW to be a little better but
not a lot. I don't know how good SmalltalkMT is in practice, but it is a
static compiler specifically aimed at speed so I'd like to think it could
be within a few factors of C++.

> Note:  I don't want to cause worthless language flaming.  Just curious.

I can't resist mentioning I had quite a few "array subscript out of
range" errors while trying to make it faster. I imagine the C++ code did
not include range-checking.

  Dave Harris, Nottingham, UK | "Weave a circle round him thrice,
      [hidden email]      |   And close your eyes with holy dread,
                              |  For he on honey dew hath fed |   And drunk the milk of Paradise."

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Re: Performance of Dolphin

Dave Harris-3
In reply to this post by Artur Zaroda
[hidden email] (Artur Zaroda) wrote (abridged):
> It's strange, but on my machine (old Pentium - don't know, what are
> the results on other processors), Object>>at: is faster then
> Object>>basicAt: in 4.0 (it was slower in previous versions).

To me it seemed about the same. I didn't notice any degradation, but I
didn't notice any improvement either so I probably should have left it
out. It didn't occur to me it might be slower. #basicAt: should avoid a
message dispatch.

Investigation shows that #at: is <primitive: 60> and #basicAt: is
<primitive: 49>. There is nothing in the method comment to explain this
difference, and indeed the comment for #at: implies they are implemented
the same.

  Dave Harris, Nottingham, UK | "Weave a circle round him thrice,
      [hidden email]      |   And close your eyes with holy dread,
                              |  For he on honey dew hath fed |   And drunk the milk of Paradise."