Thank you, Marcus!
David Perkins
[hidden email]
On Aug 3, 2011, at 11:18 AM, Marcus Denker wrote:
> Hello,
> The Book (sadly) describes a quite old version of Pharo (1.0 with a
> special Code Browser).
> In the meantime, we changed (improved, simplified) *a lot* of
> things...
> The problem is that it's futile to try to keep the book up to date.
> We will make a new one for 2.0 :-)
> So the best is to use the version linked from>
> when doing exercises from the book.
> Marcus
> On Aug 3, 2011, at 5:11 PM, David Perkins wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I just downloaded Pharo 1.2.1 on my Mac OS X.5, and am also reading
>> a printed copy of "Pharo By Example Version 2010-02-01" in order to
>> learn Smalltalk.
>> In the Quick Tour chapter, you show the Preference Browser, but I
>> am unable to bring this up using the System ... menu option. Does
>> it need to be installed separately?
>> Also in the Quick Tour chapter, you give an example
>> BouncingAtomsMorph new openInWorld, which fails with the message
>> "unknown variable BouncingAtomsMorph ...". Does this also need
>> installation?
>> Please forgive my beginner questions.
>> Thanks!!
>> David Perkins
[hidden email]
> --
> Marcus Denker -->