Pharo 1.4 "Summer" released!

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Pharo 1.4 "Summer" released!

We are proud to announce the summer release of Pharo 1.4!
You can find information about Pharo at:

About this release. 

We integrated 30 fixes (the rounded number is completely casual) and integrated some tools that users feedback showed as necessary, specially the inclusion of OmniBrowser as part of the core for 1.4.  As a result of all this changes and fixes, the stability of this version is a lot better and we are really happy with it. 

Structural changes to the image: 

- Backport configurations browser from 2.0. This will easy the loading of packages for everybody, specially newcomers. 
- Integrated ProfStef. Again, useful for newcomers. 
- Integrated Spotlight. Easy to find classes and methods. 
- Integrated OmniBrowser. Nautilus will wait to 2.0 to be core, but it is still loadable.
- Integrated Keymapping. This is in fact a sub-product of the inclusion of Spotlight, but the framework is powerful and it deserves its inclusion too :)
- Updated Zinc to latest version. 

Complete list of bugs fixed: 

- 5665: bug on new ecompletion/ocompletion,
- 5773: Have access to the original event in PLuggableButtonMorph,
- 5584: File Browser not recognizing cs and st if filename has more than one point,
- 5667: Renaming a file just deletes it due to missing #fileNameFromFormattedItem:,
- 5445: Broken command-line arguments in 1.4,
- 5679: Removing a trait does not remove trait methods from class,
- 5722: Be able to remove traits from class definition,
- 5858: DateAndTime >>#hash,
- 5833: More robust allSuperclassesIncluding:,
- 5966: DropListMorph do not pop the list when the text field is clicked,
- 5627: "MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "displayWorld" is nil" on clicking the red Menu-Halo.,
- 5742: BallonMorph shows flyover help using an extra line,
- 6150: During snapshot: Send cr after Transcript message for 1.4,
- 6147: Code completion in all tools for 1.4,
- 6189: [BUG]: Port to Pharo 1.4 - stdin hangs until EOF,
- 6143: MIME decoding and Unicode not working,
- 6188: [BUG]: (1.4) Put back the correct order in #asert:equals:,
- 6187: [Bug]: (1.4) Mouse down events are being processed twice,
- 6117: SimplifiedChineseEnvironment should implement leadingChar,
- 6082: Missed translated selector for the dialog title in the ColorChooserMorph,
- 6231: FileList revert,
- 6303: [BUG]: Completion DNU in Inspector/Object Explorer for 1.4,
- 6305: StartupPreferences "run once" broken,
- 6324: For Pharo 1.4 disable StartupPreferences only for Windows,
- 6313: failing test: MorphicTests.Event.EventHandlerTest.testKeyStrokeFromMorph,
- 6352: StartupPreferences loads non-st files in 1.4,, , 
- 6373: Add #version to OSPlatform,
- 6366: [Bug]: In 1.4, Finder UI DNU guessTypeByName:,
- 6343: move Windows on screen should take in account the task bar,
- 6386: [BUG]: [1.4]: New ProcessSpecificVariables & Running Processes,

Not bad, isn't?

Thanks a lot to all who contributed with fixes, reports and suggestions. 

The Pharo Team

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Re: [Vm-dev] Pharo 1.4 "Summer" released!

Tudor Girba-2

Not bad at all :).

Moose already builds since a week on top of the pre summer release (14455). Now, it's building on the summer one.


On 18 Jul 2012, at 17:57, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:

> We are proud to announce the summer release of Pharo 1.4!
> You can find information about Pharo at:
> About this release.
> We integrated 30 fixes (the rounded number is completely casual) and integrated some tools that users feedback showed as necessary, specially the inclusion of OmniBrowser as part of the core for 1.4.  As a result of all this changes and fixes, the stability of this version is a lot better and we are really happy with it.
> Structural changes to the image:
> - Backport configurations browser from 2.0. This will easy the loading of packages for everybody, specially newcomers.
> - Integrated ProfStef. Again, useful for newcomers.
> - Integrated Spotlight. Easy to find classes and methods.
> - Integrated OmniBrowser. Nautilus will wait to 2.0 to be core, but it is still loadable.
> - Integrated Keymapping. This is in fact a sub-product of the inclusion of Spotlight, but the framework is powerful and it deserves its inclusion too :)
> - Updated Zinc to latest version.
> Complete list of bugs fixed:
> - 5665: bug on new ecompletion/ocompletion,
> - 5773: Have access to the original event in PLuggableButtonMorph,
> - 5584: File Browser not recognizing cs and st if filename has more than one point,
> - 5667: Renaming a file just deletes it due to missing #fileNameFromFormattedItem:,
> - 5445: Broken command-line arguments in 1.4,
> - 5679: Removing a trait does not remove trait methods from class,
> - 5722: Be able to remove traits from class definition,
> - 5858: DateAndTime >>#hash,
> - 5833: More robust allSuperclassesIncluding:,
> - 5966: DropListMorph do not pop the list when the text field is clicked,
> - 5627: "MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "displayWorld" is nil" on clicking the red Menu-Halo.,
> - 5742: BallonMorph shows flyover help using an extra line,
> - 6150: During snapshot: Send cr after Transcript message for 1.4,
> - 6147: Code completion in all tools for 1.4,
> - 6189: [BUG]: Port to Pharo 1.4 - stdin hangs until EOF,
> - 6143: MIME decoding and Unicode not working,
> - 6188: [BUG]: (1.4) Put back the correct order in #asert:equals:,
> - 6187: [Bug]: (1.4) Mouse down events are being processed twice,
> - 6117: SimplifiedChineseEnvironment should implement leadingChar,
> - 6082: Missed translated selector for the dialog title in the ColorChooserMorph,
> - 6231: FileList revert,
> - 6303: [BUG]: Completion DNU in Inspector/Object Explorer for 1.4,
> - 6305: StartupPreferences "run once" broken,
> - 6324: For Pharo 1.4 disable StartupPreferences only for Windows,
> - 6313: failing test: MorphicTests.Event.EventHandlerTest.testKeyStrokeFromMorph,
> - 6352: StartupPreferences loads non-st files in 1.4,, ,
> - 6373: Add #version to OSPlatform,
> - 6366: [Bug]: In 1.4, Finder UI DNU guessTypeByName:,
> - 6343: move Windows on screen should take in account the task bar,
> - 6386: [BUG]: [1.4]: New ProcessSpecificVariables & Running Processes,
> Not bad, isn't?
> Thanks a lot to all who contributed with fixes, reports and suggestions.
> The Pharo Team


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Re: [Vm-dev] Pharo 1.4 "Summer" released!

stephane ducasse-2
In reply to this post by EstebanLM
thanks esteban for this considerable effort.
Thanks for the INRIA consortium building money too :).


> We are proud to announce the summer release of Pharo 1.4!
> You can find information about Pharo at:
> About this release.
> We integrated 30 fixes (the rounded number is completely casual) and integrated some tools that users feedback showed as necessary, specially the inclusion of OmniBrowser as part of the core for 1.4.  As a result of all this changes and fixes, the stability of this version is a lot better and we are really happy with it.
> Structural changes to the image:
> - Backport configurations browser from 2.0. This will easy the loading of packages for everybody, specially newcomers.
> - Integrated ProfStef. Again, useful for newcomers.
> - Integrated Spotlight. Easy to find classes and methods.
> - Integrated OmniBrowser. Nautilus will wait to 2.0 to be core, but it is still loadable.
> - Integrated Keymapping. This is in fact a sub-product of the inclusion of Spotlight, but the framework is powerful and it deserves its inclusion too :)
> - Updated Zinc to latest version.
> Complete list of bugs fixed:
> - 5665: bug on new ecompletion/ocompletion,
> - 5773: Have access to the original event in PLuggableButtonMorph,
> - 5584: File Browser not recognizing cs and st if filename has more than one point,
> - 5667: Renaming a file just deletes it due to missing #fileNameFromFormattedItem:,
> - 5445: Broken command-line arguments in 1.4,
> - 5679: Removing a trait does not remove trait methods from class,
> - 5722: Be able to remove traits from class definition,
> - 5858: DateAndTime >>#hash,
> - 5833: More robust allSuperclassesIncluding:,
> - 5966: DropListMorph do not pop the list when the text field is clicked,
> - 5627: "MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "displayWorld" is nil" on clicking the red Menu-Halo.,
> - 5742: BallonMorph shows flyover help using an extra line,
> - 6150: During snapshot: Send cr after Transcript message for 1.4,
> - 6147: Code completion in all tools for 1.4,
> - 6189: [BUG]: Port to Pharo 1.4 - stdin hangs until EOF,
> - 6143: MIME decoding and Unicode not working,
> - 6188: [BUG]: (1.4) Put back the correct order in #asert:equals:,
> - 6187: [Bug]: (1.4) Mouse down events are being processed twice,
> - 6117: SimplifiedChineseEnvironment should implement leadingChar,
> - 6082: Missed translated selector for the dialog title in the ColorChooserMorph,
> - 6231: FileList revert,
> - 6303: [BUG]: Completion DNU in Inspector/Object Explorer for 1.4,
> - 6305: StartupPreferences "run once" broken,
> - 6324: For Pharo 1.4 disable StartupPreferences only for Windows,
> - 6313: failing test: MorphicTests.Event.EventHandlerTest.testKeyStrokeFromMorph,
> - 6352: StartupPreferences loads non-st files in 1.4,, ,
> - 6373: Add #version to OSPlatform,
> - 6366: [Bug]: In 1.4, Finder UI DNU guessTypeByName:,
> - 6343: move Windows on screen should take in account the task bar,
> - 6386: [BUG]: [1.4]: New ProcessSpecificVariables & Running Processes,
> Not bad, isn't?
> Thanks a lot to all who contributed with fixes, reports and suggestions.
> The Pharo Team

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