Pharo 5 and image resizing

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Pharo 5 and image resizing

I am going to start a new project using Pharo.

Two choices for me:

* use the trusty Pharo 3 stack that I have
* embark on Pharo 5 w/ new Seaside etc

I need PetitParser and such things and saw a new Moose release based on Pharo 5, so maybe I should start there.

I've a concern with the image resizing in Pharo 5, as when I'll be loading several (tons of) packages, MCZs will be piling up and if clearing that cache isn't going to reduce the size of the image, I am not really keen on dragging these around. This will just get worse over the course of the development.

Any news on that front?

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Re: Pharo 5 and image resizing

Nicolas Passerini

On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 10:04 AM, [hidden email] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I've a concern with the image resizing in Pharo 5, as when I'll be loading several (tons of) packages, MCZs will be piling up and if clearing that cache isn't going to reduce the size of the image, I am not really keen on dragging these around. This will just get worse over the course of the development.

The image-not-shrinking problem will be solved in the near future, I think that it shouldn't be a big worry if you are starting a new project.