Pharo 6.1 catalog -- How is the catalog information updated?

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Pharo 6.1 catalog -- How is the catalog information updated?

Hannes Hirzel

Where do I find information how the  Pharo 6.1 catalog entries are maintained?

Thank you in advance


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Re: Pharo 6.1 catalog -- How is the catalog information updated?

Hannes Hirzel
I found

and the link

    'a note to developers'

Following that I see that a

    ConfigurationOfXYZ file

needs to be in

So I assume if a newer version of a ConfigurationOfXYZ is put there,
the catalog information is updated in the Pharo catalog browser in the
image. Is this correct?


On 8/18/17, H. Hirzel <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello
> Where do I find information how the  Pharo 6.1 catalog entries are
> maintained?
> Thank you in advance
> Hannes