I have installed the rpms provided by Norbert and Holger.
Now, I have a working 60 in 64 bit.
But I'd like to get a 61 in 64 bit.
I can rebuild the rpms from source and currently stand at version 1.13.1 (seems to be an update).
I also find it annoying to not have an image provided, we have the 60 sources. I can understand why but this requires one to go through the download of a 64 bit image from the site. On servers that is a pain to do vs yum install pharo6-64-60-image for example.
Also, I noticed that the MATE desktop I use requires icons from /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps and there is no svg in there.
I also wonder how we can se the mimetype of image files appropriately so that a click on a .image would open the pharo6-64-ui on it.
Is there a 61 64 bit image?
Is there a VM compatible with that image?
I would like to do a software collection for pharo so that we could have a software collection for 60, one for 61, one for 70 etc, and they would all be cleanly separated.
Usage like: scl enable pharo61 bash