It was stuck on the release cleanup. It is not the only case.
Instance of GlobalVariable did not understand #bitAnd:
[32] [0mGlobalVariable(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #bitAnd:
[32] CompiledMethod(CompiledCode)>>numLiterals
[32] CompiledMethod(CompiledCode)>>literals
[32] [:method | | obsoleteBindings |
[32] obsoleteBindings := method literals select: [:literal | literal isVariableBinding and: [ literal value isBehavior and: [ literal value isObsolete ] ] ].
[32] obsoleteBindings do: [:binding | | obsName realName realClass |
[32] obsName := binding value name.
[32] self
[32] trace: 'Binding: ';
[32] traceCr: obsName.
[32] realName := obsName copyReplaceAll: 'AnObsolete' with: ''.
[32] realClass := Smalltalk globals at: realName asSymbol ifAbsent: [ UndefinedObject ].
[32] binding key: binding key value: realClass ].
[32] "do not forget to flush the JIT cache"obsoleteBindings ifNotEmpty: [ method flushCache ] ] in SmalltalkImage>>fixObsoleteBindings in Block: [:method | | obsoleteBindings |...
[32] Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
[32] SmalltalkImage>>fixObsoleteBindings
[32] SmalltalkImage>>fixObsoleteReferences
[32] BaselineOfIDE>>postload:package: