Pharo-Business: a new mailing-list

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Pharo-Business: a new mailing-list
Dear Pharoers and Smalltalkers from all over the world

We would really like to push business in our community and we believe that it is important to create a community around business questions.
We created a new mailing-list


The idea is to identify
        - potential market
        - missing technical solutions that we could build together
        - share technical assets from a business perspective (which frameworks for what).

We hope that you will like the idea and that more business can emerge!
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Re: [Pharo-dev] Pharo-Business: a new mailing-list

Santiago Bragagnolo
I'm in :) 

2014-02-26 20:05 GMT+01:00 Pharo4Stef <[hidden email]>:
Dear Pharoers and Smalltalkers from all over the world

We would really like to push business in our community and we believe that it is important to create a community around business questions.
We created a new mailing-list


The idea is to identify
        - potential market
        - missing technical solutions that we could build together
        - share technical assets from a business perspective (which frameworks for what).

We hope that you will like the idea and that more business can emerge!