Pharo Consortium is moving forward.

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Pharo Consortium is moving forward.

Stéphane Ducasse
Hi guys

Since INRIA accepted to pay one engineer around the pharo consortium we will hire Esteban Lorenzano for a year.
We are excited by that! I should do a lot of paper work but this is really cool.

For the consortium we are working on it :)
        - Inria law oriented people are designing a "CAML" like consortium text. but simpler :). For pharo there will be no specific license just plain MIT.

        - Marcus is setting up a mailing-list and we will make public the names of the companies that are participating (if they agree).
        Note that several companies developing in VisualAge (Instantiations, HRWorks..) or Gemstone mentioned their intentions to join the consortium and we welcome them.

        - We will discuss the prices and modality but the goal is that any individual can be a consortium member and that we can pay one or two engineers
        to support Pharo development and bring more people into Smalltalk.

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