Hello fellow smalltalkers.
First of all, if you don't know what Chalten is, here you could discover itÂ
https://github.com/mtaborda/chalten. Is a time model that allows to use dates, months, years, etc. in an easy way.
After some sabbatical years, I decided to finalize my thesis and get my degree. And, as part of the last part of the investigation, I be very grateful if you, users of Chalten (if there anyone anywhere), could answer these few questions:
1. What kind of use you give? (personal, in company, both)
2. Where you use it? (bussines area, company name if you can tell me that)
3. What for? (name of the system, or proyect with a brief description if it's possible)
Excuse me if you receive this email more than once, I' sending to all the email lists that I have.
Thank you very much for your answers.
Kind Regards.
seaside-dev mailing list
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