Pharo-IOT Remote Dev connection Issue

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Pharo-IOT Remote Dev connection Issue


I have a PharoThings environment which I’m updating to version 0.3.2 and keep hitting the following DNU error when running…

remotePharo := TlpRemoteIDE connectTo: (TCPAddress ip: ip port: 40423).

…from the Mac client to the pi server (image below).

A SeamlessDefaultRequestContext does not understand #ownBytes:

…which is correct - it does not :) I’m guessing #materializeObject in the code just before the error, should have answered a SeamlessRequest.

The git page claims it’s building successfully, and I’ve tried re-installing both the client on the Mac and the server on the pi, and get the same error each time.

Is this a known error? Or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
