[Pharo Trick: #0006] - Run code from a button window

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[Pharo Trick: #0006] - Run code from a button window

Torsten Bergmann
[Pharo Trick: #0006] - Run code from a standalone button window
Works in: Pharo 2.0, 3.0, ...

In Pharo there is a class called ButtonModel - it is a model used for buttons when
building UI's with the Spec framework. But it can be used also standalone
to open a button window with an action block:
        b := ButtonModel new.
        b openWithSpec;
           label: 'Run my code';
           action: [ Transcript open ]

So you just have to click to run some code.

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[Pharo-dev] [Pharo Trick: #0007] - Write UI prototype in a workspace

Benjamin Van Ryseghem (Pharo)
[Pharo Trick: #0007] - Write UI prototype in a workspace
Works in: Pharo 2.0, 3.0, ...

In Morphic, there is no way to quickly prototype a UI.
But in Spec there is a Dynamic class supporting this, so one can try different things 
directly from a Workspace

An example:

m := DynamicComposableModel new.
m instantiateModels: #( button ButtonModel list ListModel).

m list items: #(1 2 3 4 5).

m button
label: 'Plip';
action: [ self halt ].
m openWithSpecLayout: (SpecLayout composed
newColumn: [: c | c add: #list ; add: #button height: 26 ];
