Very weird since we do not hear about that before.
But yes, some weirdness with libssh may happen.
I anycase, you have another workaround:
Iceberg enableMetacelloIntegration: false.
Before installing Seaside.
(This will skip iceberg/libgit and libssh usage).
Since my last post, Pharo is still crashing during installation of Seaside 3 in Windows 10 platforms. It happens because git uses SSL and there’s some bug that causes libssl to crash, killing VM. The (ridiculous) alternative is to install in the Ubuntu shell and run from there. Don’t think it’s a lesser problem since 75% (at least) of day to day workstation users are on the Microsoft side of the wall… Meanwhile I have to restrict myself to use python or java or C/C++ in Windows.
Best regards,
Casimiro Barreto