Pharo and fileout folder

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Pharo and fileout folder

Pablo Frias
Hi everyone,

I noted that Pharo resets the location of output when doing fileout to the default Pharo folder, even after several times I changed it to another folder. 
Is that an expected behaviour?

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Re: Pharo and fileout folder

Under P7, from the class browser, when I fileout, it does not ask me!


Le 22/09/2018 à 14:53, Pablo Frias a écrit :
> I noted that Pharo resets the location of output when doing fileout to
> the default Pharo folder, even after several times I changed it to
> another folder. 
> Is that an expected behaviour?

Dr. Geo

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Re: Pharo and fileout folder

On P7, the path is hardcoded to the image directory:

CodeExporter class>>writeSourceCodeFrom: aStream baseName: baseName
isSt: stOrCsFlag

    | extension targetFile |
    extension := stOrCsFlag ifTrue: ['st']  ifFalse: ['cs'].
    targetFile := FileLocator imageDirectory / baseName asFileName,

    self writeSourceCodeFrom: aStream toFileReference: targetFile

But there are likely other classes doing the same things differently as
you seem to be able to select the path.


Le 22/09/2018 à 16:13, Hilaire a écrit :
> Under P7, from the class browser, when I fileout, it does not ask me!
> Hilaire

Dr. Geo