Pharo as a client to swagger API?

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Pharo as a client to swagger API?

Jerry Kott-3

I know people have used Pharo for REST APIs - has anyone used Pharo as a client for Swagger?

Second question (I could probably find out but I am feeling lazy): what would be a good REST API package to use? Are there any tutorials?

Jerry Kott
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Re: Pharo as a client to swagger API?

Please have a look at

The implementation lacks a lot of features in OpenAPI and JSONSchema but is useful for server and client usage. If you need stuff open tickets on the repo please, I'll try to take care.


Am 27.02.2020 um 04:05 schrieb Jerry Kott <[hidden email]>:


I know people have used Pharo for REST APIs - has anyone used Pharo as a client for Swagger?

Second question (I could probably find out but I am feeling lazy): what would be a good REST API package to use? Are there any tutorials?

Jerry Kott
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Re: Pharo as a client to swagger API?

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
In reply to this post by Jerry Kott-3
Hi Jerry,

it might be a little ot of date, but it is a start.


On 2020-02-26 7:05 p.m., Jerry Kott wrote:

I know people have used Pharo for REST APIs - has anyone used Pharo as a client for Swagger?

Second question (I could probably find out but I am feeling lazy): what would be a good REST API package to use? Are there any tutorials?

Jerry Kott
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