Hi Norbet,
On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 10:52:16PM +0200, Norbert Hartl wrote:
Thanks very much for your reply.
What I was hoping to find was something that acted as the server, not
just an agent. But I'll still have a look at this as it will be useful
to help monitor pharo processes.
Thanks again,
> Am 22.07.2017 um 19:41 schrieb Alistair Grant <
[hidden email]>:
> Hi Everyone,
> Does anyone know of a system monitoring library written in Pharo (or at
> least smalltalk)?
> I'm looking for something that provides functionality similar to nagios
> and will allow me to monitor the basics, e.g. free disk space, cpu
> usage, process presence, etc.
> I found Norbert Hartl's Monitoring library, but that looks like it acts
> as an agent for nagios or similar.
> Thanks,
> Alistair