Pharo by visualization: Adding a title to a Roassal map visualization

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Pharo by visualization: Adding a title to a Roassal map visualization


First sorry for the crossposting I don't know where list is better to
post this question.

I think that I have found my way to learning Pharo/Smalltalk and to keep
it relevant in my day to day life and is through visualization. Details
are here:

So, as an small test I did a small visualization that you can find here:

I would like to add a title to the map image. ¿How can I made this?



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Re: Pharo by visualization: Adding a title to a Roassal map visualization

Nicolai Hess
2014-06-24 19:57 GMT+02:00 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]>:

First sorry for the crossposting I don't know where list is better to post this question.

I think that I have found my way to learning Pharo/Smalltalk and to keep it relevant in my day to day life and is through visualization. Details are here:

So, as an small test I did a small visualization that you can find here:

I would like to add a title to the map image. ¿How can I made this?



A title for the TRMorph window?
mapa open setLabel:'Map'
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Re: Pharo by visualization: Adding a title to a Roassal map visualization

Clément Béra
In reply to this post by Offray
Hum I use the old version of roassal not the new one but I think you can replace 

mapa := RTMetricMap new


mapa := RTMetricMap titled: 'myTitle'.

Does it work ?

Else perhaps

mapa := RTMetricMap new title: 'myTitle'


2014-06-24 19:57 GMT+02:00 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]>:

First sorry for the crossposting I don't know where list is better to post this question.

I think that I have found my way to learning Pharo/Smalltalk and to keep it relevant in my day to day life and is through visualization. Details are here:

So, as an small test I did a small visualization that you can find here:

I would like to add a title to the map image. ¿How can I made this?



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Re: Pharo by visualization: Adding a title to a Roassal map visualization

In reply to this post by Nicolai Hess
Thanks Clément and Nicolai.

    setLabel: 'My Label'

did the trick.



On 24/06/14 13:42, Nicolai Hess wrote:

> 2014-06-24 19:57 GMT+02:00 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]
> <mailto:[hidden email]>>:
>      Hi,
>      First sorry for the crossposting I don't know where list is better to post
>      this question.
>      I think that I have found my way to learning Pharo/Smalltalk and to keep it
>      relevant in my day to day life and is through visualization. Details are here:
>      <>
>      So, as an small test I did a small visualization that you can find here:
>      <>
>      I would like to add a title to the map image. ¿How can I made this?
>      Cheers,
>      Offray
> A title for the TRMorph window?
> ....
> mapa open setLabel:'Map'