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[Pharo-coral] Using coral to maintain a deployed image

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[Pharo-coral] Using coral to maintain a deployed image

Bernat Romagosa
728 posts
Hi list,

I've been using RFB for quite a while now to mantain my deployed images, but I've recently started experiencing big time problems with two of my apps, both running Iliad in a Pharo 1.2.1 image.

By looking at the PharoDebug log I found out that the problems come from RFB itself, and I'd love to dump it for good, I hate having to spend so much bandwidth for even the simplest tasks, and sometimes I don't even have a graphical terminal available when I need to solve some remote problem.

So, is Coral currently able to deal with the following tasks?

1) Load monticello packages
2) Retrieve info from the debugger
3) Inspect and kill running processes

If so, I'd love to learn how, otherwise I'd like to know if this is something that's been planned and how could I contribute to make it happen sooner.



Bernat Romagosa.

Pharo-coral mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: [Pharo-coral] Using coral to maintain a deployed image

Damien Pollet
585 posts
On 31 August 2011 16:38, Bernat Romagosa <[hidden email]> wrote:
> So, is Coral currently able to deal with the following tasks?
> 1) Load monticello packages

You can perfectly invoke Gofer from a coral script or the console,
then call Smalltalk #snapshot:andQuit:

> 2) Retrieve info from the debugger

There are problems when morphic tools try to display themselves in a
headless image.
There are many things needed to make debugging possible with Coral.
Currently the parser does not report anything if there is a syntax
error in a script, for instance, and the REPL will only print errors.

> 3) Inspect and kill running processes

This should be easier to do, but there is nothing convenient yet
(you'll have to ask for instances of Process, etc)

> If so, I'd love to learn how, otherwise I'd like to know if this is
> something that's been planned and how could I contribute to make it happen
> sooner.

Not precisely planned, but definitely wanted. Contributions in this
directions are more than welcome. Something easy would be to launch
your image from within a screen/tmux, and make sure it runs the REPL.
Then you'll at least be able to reconnect to a running image.

Debugging support will come once we have a proper REPL capable of
complex interaction with the terminal. Lots of work needed, but that
is definitely a pain point, so it's very near the top of the todo list

Damien Pollet
type less, do more [ | ] http://people.untyped.org/damien.pollet

Pharo-coral mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: [Pharo-coral] Using coral to maintain a deployed image

Bernat Romagosa
728 posts
Cool, nice to hear!

So I'll try to test Coral in one of my deployed apps and see if it serves my need. I hope I can get rid of VNC soon! :)


2011/8/31 Damien Pollet <[hidden email]>
On 31 August 2011 16:38, Bernat Romagosa <[hidden email]> wrote:
> So, is Coral currently able to deal with the following tasks?
> 1) Load monticello packages

You can perfectly invoke Gofer from a coral script or the console,
then call Smalltalk #snapshot:andQuit:

> 2) Retrieve info from the debugger

There are problems when morphic tools try to display themselves in a
headless image.
There are many things needed to make debugging possible with Coral.
Currently the parser does not report anything if there is a syntax
error in a script, for instance, and the REPL will only print errors.

> 3) Inspect and kill running processes

This should be easier to do, but there is nothing convenient yet
(you'll have to ask for instances of Process, etc)

> If so, I'd love to learn how, otherwise I'd like to know if this is
> something that's been planned and how could I contribute to make it happen
> sooner.

Not precisely planned, but definitely wanted. Contributions in this
directions are more than welcome. Something easy would be to launch
your image from within a screen/tmux, and make sure it runs the REPL.
Then you'll at least be able to reconnect to a running image.

Debugging support will come once we have a proper REPL capable of
complex interaction with the terminal. Lots of work needed, but that
is definitely a pain point, so it's very near the top of the todo list

Damien Pollet
type less, do more [ | ] http://people.untyped.org/damien.pollet

Bernat Romagosa.

Pharo-coral mailing list
[hidden email]