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[Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

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[Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Damien Cassou
1829 posts
It looks like Zinc has a problem handling PUT requests (at least
ZnZincServerAdaptor). If I replace ZnZincServerAdaptor by WAKom, then
things work fine. To reproduce:

Setting up the Server
1- Download a SmalltalkHub image
2- Install mongodb on your computer (for Debian: apt-get install mongodb)
3- Launch the SmalltalkHub image
4- Evaluate: ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080
5- Visit http://localhost:8080/tools/hub, create an account and a project

Setting up the Client
6- In a different image, start monticello
7- add the repository of your new project to Monticello (something
like http://localhost:8080/mc/YourUser/YourProject/main), don't forget
the username and password
8- copy an existing package of your cache to the new repository

You will get an error in the client: a ZnStringEntity(text/plain 512B
file is too short)

If you install Seaside-Adaptors-Kommanche and use WAKom, things will
work just fine.

You can configure Seaside to open a server-side error: just setup the
WAExceptionFilter to WADebugErrorHandler in

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill

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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
5697 posts
Hi Damien,

On 21 May 2013, at 10:20, Damien Cassou <[hidden email]> wrote:

> It looks like Zinc has a problem handling PUT requests (at least
> ZnZincServerAdaptor). If I replace ZnZincServerAdaptor by WAKom, then
> things work fine. To reproduce:
> Setting up the Server
> 1- Download a SmalltalkHub image
> (https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/SmalltalkHub/)
> 2- Install mongodb on your computer (for Debian: apt-get install mongodb)
> 3- Launch the SmalltalkHub image
> 4- Evaluate: ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080
> 5- Visit http://localhost:8080/tools/hub, create an account and a project
> Setting up the Client
> 6- In a different image, start monticello
> 7- add the repository of your new project to Monticello (something
> like http://localhost:8080/mc/YourUser/YourProject/main), don't forget
> the username and password
> 8- copy an existing package of your cache to the new repository
> You will get an error in the client: a ZnStringEntity(text/plain 512B
> file is too short)
> If you install Seaside-Adaptors-Kommanche and use WAKom, things will
> work just fine.
> You can configure Seaside to open a server-side error: just setup the
> WAExceptionFilter to WADebugErrorHandler in
> http://localhost:8080/config/mc
> --
> Damien Cassou
> http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
> losing enthusiasm."
> Winston Churchill

Thanks for the detailed instructions, now I have StHub & mongo running on my machine ;-)

The problem you reported can easily be fixed by loading the latest version of Zinc-Seaaside (the one in the StHub image is very old). Now, it still does not fully work, but I don't understand all the Sh and MA stuff, I am afraid.

But if you go up the stack until you find Seaside's aRequestContext and find the request body in it (the data which was PUT), you can do

(ZipArchive new readFrom: self asByteArray readStream) members

on it, so for me that means the data arrives OK.

If you have another problem with the Zinc/Adaptor part, please let me know.




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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Nicolas Petton
2054 posts
Thanks sven, I'll try it later today.


On May 21, 2013, at 1:01 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Damien,
> On 21 May 2013, at 10:20, Damien Cassou <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> It looks like Zinc has a problem handling PUT requests (at least
>> ZnZincServerAdaptor). If I replace ZnZincServerAdaptor by WAKom, then
>> things work fine. To reproduce:
>> Setting up the Server
>> 1- Download a SmalltalkHub image
>> (https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/SmalltalkHub/)
>> 2- Install mongodb on your computer (for Debian: apt-get install mongodb)
>> 3- Launch the SmalltalkHub image
>> 4- Evaluate: ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080
>> 5- Visit http://localhost:8080/tools/hub, create an account and a project
>> Setting up the Client
>> 6- In a different image, start monticello
>> 7- add the repository of your new project to Monticello (something
>> like http://localhost:8080/mc/YourUser/YourProject/main), don't forget
>> the username and password
>> 8- copy an existing package of your cache to the new repository
>> You will get an error in the client: a ZnStringEntity(text/plain 512B
>> file is too short)
>> If you install Seaside-Adaptors-Kommanche and use WAKom, things will
>> work just fine.
>> You can configure Seaside to open a server-side error: just setup the
>> WAExceptionFilter to WADebugErrorHandler in
>> http://localhost:8080/config/mc
>> --
>> Damien Cassou
>> http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
>> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
>> losing enthusiasm."
>> Winston Churchill
> Thanks for the detailed instructions, now I have StHub & mongo running on my machine ;-)
> The problem you reported can easily be fixed by loading the latest version of Zinc-Seaaside (the one in the StHub image is very old). Now, it still does not fully work, but I don't understand all the Sh and MA stuff, I am afraid.
> But if you go up the stack until you find Seaside's aRequestContext and find the request body in it (the data which was PUT), you can do
> (ZipArchive new readFrom: self asByteArray readStream) members
> on it, so for me that means the data arrives OK.
> If you have another problem with the Zinc/Adaptor part, please let me know.
> HTH,
> Sven
> PS:

Nicolas Petton

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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Sean P. DeNigris
5777 posts
Nicolas Petton wrote
Thanks sven, I'll try it later today.

On May 21, 2013, at 1:01 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:
> The problem you reported can easily be fixed by loading the latest version of Zinc-Seaaside (the one in the StHub image is very old). Now, it still does not fully work, but I don't understand all the Sh and MA stuff, I am afraid.
Bump. What's the status? The instructions on Jenkins [1] still say:
  WAKom startOn: 8080.
  "you could use Zinc, but there seems to be a bug with PUT requests (ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080)"

However WAKom is not included in the build artifact.

[1] https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/SmalltalkHub
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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Sean P. DeNigris
5777 posts
Sean P. DeNigris wrote
  WAKom startOn: 8080.
Update: after installing Seaside-Adaptors-Comanche-lr.70, I get an undefined HttpService...

If I go back to Zinc, after creating a user, when I try to log in I get "Error: Not enough space for external objects, set a larger size at startup!"
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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Sean P. DeNigris
5777 posts
Sean P. DeNigris wrote
when I try to log in I get "Error: Not enough space for external objects, set a larger size at startup!"
Update2: I bumped my RAM to 4GB with the same error.

System details:
* Debian 6.0.7
* Parallels 8
* get.pharo.org/vm from today
* Last successful image artifact from sthub Jenkins job
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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
5697 posts
In reply to this post by Sean P. DeNigris

On 14 Jun 2013, at 05:32, "Sean P. DeNigris" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Nicolas Petton wrote
>> Thanks sven, I'll try it later today.
>> On May 21, 2013, at 1:01 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe &lt;
>> sven@
>> &gt; wrote:
>>> The problem you reported can easily be fixed by loading the latest
>>> version of Zinc-Seaaside (the one in the StHub image is very old). Now,
>>> it still does not fully work, but I don't understand all the Sh and MA
>>> stuff, I am afraid.
> Bump. What's the status? The instructions on Jenkins [1] still say:
>  WAKom startOn: 8080.
>  "you could use Zinc, but there seems to be a bug with PUT requests
> (ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080)"
> However WAKom is not included in the build artifact.
> [1] https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/SmalltalkHub

I don't maintain the build, but all these problems where fixed some time ago.

Zinc is being using in the production StHub site since then !


Sven Van Caekenberghe
Smalltalk is the Red Pill

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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Damien Cassou
1829 posts
In reply to this post by Sean P. DeNigris
On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 5:32 AM, Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Bump. What's the status? The instructions on Jenkins [1] still say:
>   WAKom startOn: 8080.
>   "you could use Zinc, but there seems to be a bug with PUT requests
> (ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080)"

Zinc should work just fine. I've just updated the instructions.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill

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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Damien Cassou
1829 posts
In reply to this post by Sean P. DeNigris
On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 6:01 AM, Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Update2: I bumped my RAM to 4GB with the same error.

do you use the image built by Jenkins or your own?

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill

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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Sean P. DeNigris
5777 posts
Damien Cassou wrote
do you use the image built by Jenkins or your own?
Jenkins, of course... I let the butler do it because I'm too lazy to build ;)
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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

3479 posts
In reply to this post by Sean P. DeNigris

Am 14.06.2013 um 05:46 schrieb Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]>:

> Sean P. DeNigris wrote
>>  WAKom startOn: 8080.
> Update: after installing Seaside-Adaptors-Comanche-lr.70, I get an undefined
> HttpService...
> If I go back to Zinc, after creating a user, when I try to log in I get
> "Error: Not enough space for external objects, set a larger size at
> startup!"

I created a bug entry for this


I probably means the usual that some code is not ensuring the destroy of a socket and therefor releasing its resources. I had such a problem last week with an edge case in zinc, too

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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Sean P. DeNigris
5777 posts
In reply to this post by Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
>>> The problem you reported can easily be fixed by loading the latest
>>> version of Zinc-Seaaside (the one in the StHub image is very old)
I don't maintain the build, but all these problems where fixed some time ago.
The image I downloaded from Jenkins has loaded baseline 0.9.1 of sthub, which seems to be the latest defined in ConfigurationOfSmalltalkHub from http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/NicolasPetton/SmalltalkHub/main . I checked http://www.squeaksource.com/ZincHTTPComponents, which is the repo mentioned at http://zn.stfx.eu/zn/index.html, and the only packages available for update are Zinc-Character-Encoding-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.21, Zinc-HTTP-SvenVanCaekenberghe.371, and  Zinc-Resource-Meta-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.53. Updating the first two didn't help, and the last one broke the MCWorkingCopyBrowser with MessageNotUnderstood: ZnUrl>>enforceKnownScheme

Help!!!! This is too high a bar for user contributions. If I can't figure this out, what is the chance that someone outside our core community can?!
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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
5697 posts

On 17 Jun 2013, at 04:11, Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]> wrote:

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
The problem you reported can easily be fixed by loading the latest
version of Zinc-Seaaside (the one in the StHub image is very old)
I don't maintain the build, but all these problems where fixed some time

The image I downloaded from Jenkins has loaded baseline 0.9.1 of sthub,
which seems to be the latest defined in ConfigurationOfSmalltalkHub from
http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/NicolasPetton/SmalltalkHub/main . I checked
http://www.squeaksource.com/ZincHTTPComponents, which is the repo mentioned
at http://zn.stfx.eu/zn/index.html, and the only packages available for
update are Zinc-Character-Encoding-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.21,
Zinc-HTTP-SvenVanCaekenberghe.371, and
Zinc-Resource-Meta-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.53. Updating the first two
didn't help, and the last one broke the MCWorkingCopyBrowser with
MessageNotUnderstood: ZnUrl>>enforceKnownScheme

Help!!!! This is too high a bar for user contributions. If I can't figure
this out, what is the chance that someone outside our core community can?!

This is Pharo 2.0 #20606

ConfigurationOfSmalltalkHub does _not_ specify a dependency on Zinc, nor does it specify any versions ;-)

I am assuming the Zinc code is/was updated manually (it is newer than in 2.0, but not totally #bleedingEdge).

I ran all Zinc/Zodiac tests and they were green - all 354 of them.

When I do 

ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080

StHub works as advertised (mongo has to be running first of course):

Including me being located at 'Champs-Élysées' which was the proof of fixing an encoding problem.

When I do

ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents project bleedingEdge load.

All Zinc/Zodiac tests are still green - all 357 of them.

And StHub keeps on running (I did not do extensive tests though).

StHub is an important project, but I guess their focus is on providing an excellent UX for all of us in production. That is a hell of a job and they are doing it well. If StHub would fail they would receive a _lot_ of complaints. I am proud that Zinc is a part of that and I plan to support them as well as I can.

However, I am assuming the UX of others downloading their build/image and helping them like any good open source project should do is secondary to the first goal, and so it should be.

So what _is_ the problem ?  As far as I can see, it just works ;-)


BTW: there is even code in StHub, namely Hub-CamilloBruni.119, that was not merged properly AFAICT.

Sven Van Caekenberghe
Proudly supporting Pharo

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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Sean P. DeNigris
5777 posts
Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
Thanks for investigating!

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
StHub works as advertised (mongo has to be running first of course):
So what _is_ the problem ?  As far as I can see, it just works ;-)
When I download the same version and evaluate "ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080", sthub responds at 8080. However, if I join with user sean, email sean@me.com, pwd 123 (please don't tell anyone. I'll have to change all my accounts ;)), when I submit the login form with proper credentials, I get a "loading" message that eventually ends with the "Not enough space" error I described.

In the Terminal, I saw the following. Maybe related?
VOMongoSessionPool>>withDatabase: in Block: [:e | ...
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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Sean P. DeNigris
5777 posts
Sean P. DeNigris wrote
when I submit the login form with proper credentials, I get a "loading" message that eventually ends with the "Not enough space" error I described.

The user is in the mongo db:
{ "#instanceOf" : "ShUser", "#version" : { "floatApprox" : 3438160724 }, "_id" : ObjectId("5f77b0960000000000000000"), "admin" : null, "created" : { "t" : 319000, "i" : 1409359576 }, "email" : "sean@me.com", "fullName" : null, "isNew" : null, "lastModification" : { "t" : 319000, "i" : 1409359576 }, "location" : null, "mcUsername" : null, "password" : "369590257452814774925548805240102185537183137519", "sid" : "cf01e708-f2f8-46cb-afc9-7439258e7507", "timeline" : { "#instanceOf" : "ShTimeline", "events" : null }, "username" : "Sean", "watching" : [ ], "website" : null }

A bunch of Mongo test failures/errors:
49 run, 13 passes, 0 skipped, 0 expected failures, 22 failures, 14 errors, 0 unexpected passes


The errors that I checked all have replies like:
a Dictionary('bad cmd'->a Dictionary('$query'->a Dictionary('count'->'testCollection' 'fields'->a Dictionary() 'query'->a Dictionary('key'->'value' ) ) ) 'errmsg'->'no such cmd' 'ok'->0.0 )

I'm going to try reinstalling mongodb. I don't remember if I installed via apt-get install mongodb (I think that's what I did), or the 10gen version recommended in the mongodb install guide
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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Sean P. DeNigris
5777 posts
Sean P. DeNigris wrote
I'm going to try reinstalling mongodb. I don't remember if I installed via apt-get install mongodb (I think that's what I did), or the 10gen version recommended in the mongodb install guide
Yay! After reinstalling mongo per the installation guide [1], and ditching the epiphany web browser in favor of iceweasel, I was able to successfully log in to my local sthub :) Thanks for all the support. I updated the Jenkins job's mongodb installation instructions to refer to [1]

Most of the MongoTalk tests are passing now. The only failures are #testDate and #testDateAndTime

[1] http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-debian/
To install mongodb in debian:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 7F0CEB10
echo 'deb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/debian-sysvinit dist 10gen' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/10gen.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mongodb-10gen
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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
5697 posts

On 18 Jun 2013, at 04:41, "Sean P. DeNigris" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Yay! After reinstalling mongo per the installation guide [1], and ditching
> the epiphany web browser in favor of iceweasel, I was able to successfully
> log in to my local sthub :) Thanks for all the support. I updated the
> Jenkins job's mongodb installation instructions to refer to [1]

Great !

Thanks for the write up.

Applications with an important persistency component are always a tad harder to deploy.


Sven Van Caekenberghe
Proudly supporting Pharo

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Re: [Pharo-dev] Zinc problem with PUT requests

Nicolas Petton
2054 posts
In reply to this post by Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
Hi Sven,

This is not merged on purpose, as Camillo's patch needs some review and thinking :)


On Jun 17, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:

BTW: there is even code in StHub, namely Hub-CamilloBruni.119, that was not merged properly AFAICT.