Pharo on Raspberrypi

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Pharo on Raspberrypi

Jean Baptiste Arnaud-2
Hi, so the VM Raspberry without the bug on Atomic operation (all semaphore are block) worked now.

Here is a link:

Here is a nice picture:

Best Regards
Jean Baptiste Arnaud

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Re: Pharo on Raspberrypi

Stéphane Ducasse
let us try to show to the world what you really did the last two weeks fighting with bugs in the raps compiler chains
and other uglies.

Good work JB

On 18 Feb 2014, at 10:55, Jean Baptiste Arnaud <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi, so the VM Raspberry without the bug on Atomic operation (all semaphore are block) worked now.

Here is a link:

Here is a nice picture:

Best Regards
Jean Baptiste Arnaud

Esug-list mailing list
[hidden email]

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