Pharo performance

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Pharo performance

I've been getting a little concerned with certain aspects of performance
recently. Just a couple of examples off the top of my head were trying
to do a printString on 200000 floats which takes over 3 seconds. If I do
the same in Python it is only 0.25 seconds. Similarly reading 65000
points from a database with the PostgresV2 driver was about 800m/s and
only 40 with psycopg. I'd have to try it again but am pretty sure going
native was faster than OpenDBX as well. I appreciate Pharo is never
going to be able to compete with the static-typed heavyweight languages
but would hope we can get performance at least comparable to other
dynamic languages :) Is it just that some method implementations are in
need of some TLC; more things moved on top of C libraries and primitives
and so forth rather than anything with the VM itself?


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Re: Pharo performance

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi Chris,

My recommendation in this case is always do not spend a single second trying to figure out what is the bottleneck by yourself. First thing ever to do, is to run a profiler. You can do that very easily in Pharo.

TimeProfiler spyOn: [ Transcript show: 'do something for real here to benchmark'.
Object allSubclasses.   ]  

replace the closure for what you want to benchmark.

Then, share with us if you have interesting finds....


On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Chris <[hidden email]> wrote:
I've been getting a little concerned with certain aspects of performance recently. Just a couple of examples off the top of my head were trying to do a printString on 200000 floats which takes over 3 seconds. If I do the same in Python it is only 0.25 seconds. Similarly reading 65000 points from a database with the PostgresV2 driver was about 800m/s and only 40 with psycopg. I'd have to try it again but am pretty sure going native was faster than OpenDBX as well. I appreciate Pharo is never going to be able to compete with the static-typed heavyweight languages but would hope we can get performance at least comparable to other dynamic languages :) Is it just that some method implementations are in need of some TLC; more things moved on top of C libraries and primitives and so forth rather than anything with the VM itself?


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Re: Pharo performance

I often use the profiler :)

The float printString is all fairly evenly split which is why I mention about whether another implementation may be required. I'll always raise anything much more obvious that I see!

Hi Chris,

My recommendation in this case is always do not spend a single second trying to figure out what is the bottleneck by yourself. First thing ever to do, is to run a profiler. You can do that very easily in Pharo.

TimeProfiler spyOn: [ Transcript show: 'do something for real here to benchmark'.
Object allSubclasses.   ]  

replace the closure for what you want to benchmark.

Then, share with us if you have interesting finds....


On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Chris <[hidden email]> wrote:
I've been getting a little concerned with certain aspects of performance recently. Just a couple of examples off the top of my head were trying to do a printString on 200000 floats which takes over 3 seconds. If I do the same in Python it is only 0.25 seconds. Similarly reading 65000 points from a database with the PostgresV2 driver was about 800m/s and only 40 with psycopg. I'd have to try it again but am pretty sure going native was faster than OpenDBX as well. I appreciate Pharo is never going to be able to compete with the static-typed heavyweight languages but would hope we can get performance at least comparable to other dynamic languages :) Is it just that some method implementations are in need of some TLC; more things moved on top of C libraries and primitives and so forth rather than anything with the VM itself?



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Re: Pharo performance

Mariano Martinez Peck
I remember Nicolas Cieller did something about improving performance of Float printing.
Not sure what is the state yet....

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 4:50 PM, Chris <[hidden email]> wrote:
I often use the profiler :)

The float printString is all fairly evenly split which is why I mention about whether another implementation may be required. I'll always raise anything much more obvious that I see!

Hi Chris,

My recommendation in this case is always do not spend a single second trying to figure out what is the bottleneck by yourself. First thing ever to do, is to run a profiler. You can do that very easily in Pharo.

TimeProfiler spyOn: [ Transcript show: 'do something for real here to benchmark'.
Object allSubclasses.   ]  

replace the closure for what you want to benchmark.

Then, share with us if you have interesting finds....


On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Chris <[hidden email]> wrote:
I've been getting a little concerned with certain aspects of performance recently. Just a couple of examples off the top of my head were trying to do a printString on 200000 floats which takes over 3 seconds. If I do the same in Python it is only 0.25 seconds. Similarly reading 65000 points from a database with the PostgresV2 driver was about 800m/s and only 40 with psycopg. I'd have to try it again but am pretty sure going native was faster than OpenDBX as well. I appreciate Pharo is never going to be able to compete with the static-typed heavyweight languages but would hope we can get performance at least comparable to other dynamic languages :) Is it just that some method implementations are in need of some TLC; more things moved on top of C libraries and primitives and so forth rather than anything with the VM itself?



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Re: Pharo performance

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
In reply to this post by xx397

On 29 Jul 2013, at 20:52, Chris <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I've been getting a little concerned with certain aspects of performance recently. Just a couple of examples off the top of my head were trying to do a printString on 200000 floats which takes over 3 seconds. If I do the same in Python it is only 0.25 seconds. Similarly reading 65000 points from a database with the PostgresV2 driver was about 800m/s and only 40 with psycopg. I'd have to try it again but am pretty sure going native was faster than OpenDBX as well. I appreciate Pharo is never going to be able to compete with the static-typed heavyweight languages but would hope we can get performance at least comparable to other dynamic languages :) Is it just that some method implementations are in need of some TLC; more things moved on top of C libraries and primitives and so forth rather than anything with the VM itself?
> Cheers
> Chris

You could try:

| floats |
floats := (1 to: 200000) collect: #asFloat.
[ FloatPrintPolicy
    value: InexactFloatPrintPolicy new
    during: [
        String new: 1500000 streamContents: [ :stream |
            floats do: [ :each | each printOn: stream ] ] ] ] timeToRun

=> 796 ms

I haven't looked at the Postgresql driver in detail, but I would guess that PostgresV2 reads from a String somewhere, which is slow unless care is taken, while psycopg probably does a binary read. That last thing can be done in Pharo as well, but not if the driver is text based somehow.

You are right: Pharo should definitively be in the same range as other dynamically typed languages. But dynamic languages are dangerous: user become lazy / ignorant about performance.

Thanks for pushing this.


Sven Van Caekenberghe
Smalltalk is the Red Pill

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Re: Pharo performance

On 29/07/2013 21:33, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

> Chris,
> On 29 Jul 2013, at 20:52, Chris <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I've been getting a little concerned with certain aspects of performance recently. Just a couple of examples off the top of my head were trying to do a printString on 200000 floats which takes over 3 seconds. If I do the same in Python it is only 0.25 seconds. Similarly reading 65000 points from a database with the PostgresV2 driver was about 800m/s and only 40 with psycopg. I'd have to try it again but am pretty sure going native was faster than OpenDBX as well. I appreciate Pharo is never going to be able to compete with the static-typed heavyweight languages but would hope we can get performance at least comparable to other dynamic languages :) Is it just that some method implementations are in need of some TLC; more things moved on top of C libraries and primitives and so forth rather than anything with the VM itself?
>> Cheers
>> Chris
> You could try:
> | floats |
> floats := (1 to: 200000) collect: #asFloat.
> [ FloatPrintPolicy
>      value: InexactFloatPrintPolicy new
>      during: [
>          String new: 1500000 streamContents: [ :stream |
>              floats do: [ :each | each printOn: stream ] ] ] ] timeToRun
> => 796 ms
> I haven't looked at the Postgresql driver in detail, but I would guess that PostgresV2 reads from a String somewhere, which is slow unless care is taken, while psycopg probably does a binary read. That last thing can be done in Pharo as well, but not if the driver is text based somehow.
> You are right: Pharo should definitively be in the same range as other dynamically typed languages. But dynamic languages are dangerous: user become lazy / ignorant about performance.
> Thanks for pushing this.
> Sven
> --
> Sven Van Caekenberghe
> Smalltalk is the Red Pill
Thanks for the float tip :) I think I need to investigate the Postgres
thing a bit further. I thought it was a fairly native driver but the
double array type may well be using a string

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Re: Pharo performance

Sven Van Caekenberghe

On 29 Jul 2013, at 23:20, Chris <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 29/07/2013 21:33, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> Chris,
>> On 29 Jul 2013, at 20:52, Chris <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> I've been getting a little concerned with certain aspects of performance recently. Just a couple of examples off the top of my head were trying to do a printString on 200000 floats which takes over 3 seconds. If I do the same in Python it is only 0.25 seconds. Similarly reading 65000 points from a database with the PostgresV2 driver was about 800m/s and only 40 with psycopg. I'd have to try it again but am pretty sure going native was faster than OpenDBX as well. I appreciate Pharo is never going to be able to compete with the static-typed heavyweight languages but would hope we can get performance at least comparable to other dynamic languages :) Is it just that some method implementations are in need of some TLC; more things moved on top of C libraries and primitives and so forth rather than anything with the VM itself?
>>> Cheers
>>> Chris
>> You could try:
>> | floats |
>> floats := (1 to: 200000) collect: #asFloat.
>> [ FloatPrintPolicy
>>     value: InexactFloatPrintPolicy new
>>     during: [
>>         String new: 1500000 streamContents: [ :stream |
>>             floats do: [ :each | each printOn: stream ] ] ] ] timeToRun
>> => 796 ms
>> I haven't looked at the Postgresql driver in detail, but I would guess that PostgresV2 reads from a String somewhere, which is slow unless care is taken, while psycopg probably does a binary read. That last thing can be done in Pharo as well, but not if the driver is text based somehow.
>> You are right: Pharo should definitively be in the same range as other dynamically typed languages. But dynamic languages are dangerous: user become lazy / ignorant about performance.
>> Thanks for pushing this.
>> Sven
>> --
>> Sven Van Caekenberghe
>> Smalltalk is the Red Pill
> Thanks for the float tip :) I think I need to investigate the Postgres thing a bit further. I thought it was a fairly native driver but the double array type may well be using a string

Here is some code that basically shows that it is possible to read a lot of data quickly - although it probably does not match your example directly (I had not enough information).

| points bytes string |
points := (1 to: 65000) collect: [ :each | each asPoint ].
bytes := ByteArray streamContents: [ :stream |
        points do: [ :each |
                stream nextInt32Put: each x; nextInt32Put: each y ] ].
string := String streamContents: [ :stream |
        points do: [ :each |
                stream print: each x; space; print: each y; space ] ].
[ Array new: 65000 streamContents: [ :out | | in |
        in := bytes readStream.
        [ in atEnd ] whileFalse: [
                out nextPut: (in nextInt32 @ in nextInt32) ] ] ] timeToRun.
[ Array new: 65000 streamContents: [ :out | | in |
        in := string readStream.
        [ in atEnd ] whileFalse: [ | x y |
                x := Integer readFrom: in.
                in peekFor: $ .
                y := Integer readFrom: in.
                in peekFor: $ .
                out nextPut: x @ y ] ] ] timeToRun

=> #(51 65)

Both are in the order of magnitude of Python. With Floats, it will be somewhat slower, especially the textual part.

The explanation for the slowdown must be in the PgV2 driver.


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Re: Pharo performance

Mariano Martinez Peck
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck
I forward Nico's answer because he is not in the mailing list. 

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:
First thing, printing a Float correctly is a difficult task.

Let's remind the requirements for a decimal printString:
1) every two different Float shall have a different printString representation
2) the printString should be re-interpreted as the same Float
3) the printString should be the shortest decimal that would be re-interpreted as the same Float

Requirement 2) is stronger than 1), and 3) is stronger than 2).
For a REPL, we at least want 2)

If we restrict to requirement 2) then we can simply use printf with 17 decimal digits to accelerate printString.
But then we must expect 0.1 to be printed '0.10000000000000001' or something like that, an awfull thing for a REPL

Requirement 3) is stronger than 2) and it nicely gives 0.1 printString -> '0.1'
This is what Python Java Scheme and maybe some other languages do.

Squeak/Pharo did implement 3) for long by using the algorithm of Scheme, absPrintExactlyOn:base:
It is a relatively easy naive implementation using LargeInteger arithmetic.
But it did not use it by default, which made Squeak/Pharo not even respecting requirement 1)
So all I did was to make this algorithm the default choice (and maybe correct some edge cases, can't remember).

But LargeInteger arithmetic is relatively slow (compared to SmallInteger / Float arithmetic).
So I have done plenty of things to try and (marginally) accelerate printString.
But allmost all should already be integrated in Pharo.

My last experiments consisted in rewriting some LargeInteger primitives to use 32 bits digits instead of 8 bits digits.
This work is mostly ready. I personnally exclusively work with such modified VM.
Only ImageSegment support on BigEndian VM is lacking, but this should hardly be a problem for Pharo.
It has not been integrated, but again the acceleration of Float printString is marginal.

Maybe it could be accelerated with a primitive, but this will be a tough task.

In presence of identified bottleneck, the questions are:
a) can we use a binary format ?
b) can we use another exact representation (like hexadecimal printString of float bits for example, or C printf %a format...)
c) can we use a degraded solution 2) (printf with 17 decimals)
d) can we afford an inexact representation not satisfying 1)-2)-3)
To me, it depends mostly on usage. a) and b) are not for human end-user for example, but is a human going to grok Giga-Floats ?
a) and b) might be solutions for serialization, but it mostly depend on the other end.
It must be an application specific decision

Maybe a support for solution b) and c) could help.


2013/7/29 Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]>
I remember Nicolas Cieller did something about improving performance of Float printing.
Not sure what is the state yet....

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 4:50 PM, Chris <[hidden email]> wrote:
I often use the profiler :)

The float printString is all fairly evenly split which is why I mention about whether another implementation may be required. I'll always raise anything much more obvious that I see!

Hi Chris,

My recommendation in this case is always do not spend a single second trying to figure out what is the bottleneck by yourself. First thing ever to do, is to run a profiler. You can do that very easily in Pharo.

TimeProfiler spyOn: [ Transcript show: 'do something for real here to benchmark'.
Object allSubclasses.   ]  

replace the closure for what you want to benchmark.

Then, share with us if you have interesting finds....


On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Chris <[hidden email]> wrote:
I've been getting a little concerned with certain aspects of performance recently. Just a couple of examples off the top of my head were trying to do a printString on 200000 floats which takes over 3 seconds. If I do the same in Python it is only 0.25 seconds. Similarly reading 65000 points from a database with the PostgresV2 driver was about 800m/s and only 40 with psycopg. I'd have to try it again but am pretty sure going native was faster than OpenDBX as well. I appreciate Pharo is never going to be able to compete with the static-typed heavyweight languages but would hope we can get performance at least comparable to other dynamic languages :) Is it just that some method implementations are in need of some TLC; more things moved on top of C libraries and primitives and so forth rather than anything with the VM itself?




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Re: Pharo performance

Yanni Chiu
In reply to this post by Sven Van Caekenberghe
On 29/07/13 7:08 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
> The explanation for the slowdown must be in the PgV2 driver.

The PgV2 protocol is described at:

Have a glance at the "AsciiRow" and "BinaryRow" message formats. The
driver reads the data off the socket, parsing the the data, as described
as described by the message format. With the V2 protocol design, you
have to read the result row, one field at a time.

IIUC, in the newer V3? protocol, the AsciiRow/BinaryRow message is
replaced by a DataRow message. The DataRow message has the message size
included, which could allow the driver to read the entire set of fields
for one data row, using a single socket read (or a few buffer sized reads).

I recall seeing an experimental V3 protocol implementation, a few years
back - sorry, no links handy. It would be nice to see some benchmarks.

Hope that helps.

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Re: Pharo performance

btw, one of the reasons why I would like to (some day) rewrite the DBXTalk Driver getting rid of opendbx is because it answers always strings (char*) [1], which at the time needs to be parsed too... slowing a lot the process.
but well, since it is not an easy task, it will be delayed indefinitely, I think (until someone really needs it) :)


[1] See:

On Jul 30, 2013, at 5:17 AM, Yanni Chiu <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 29/07/13 7:08 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> The explanation for the slowdown must be in the PgV2 driver.
> The PgV2 protocol is described at:
> Have a glance at the "AsciiRow" and "BinaryRow" message formats. The driver reads the data off the socket, parsing the the data, as described as described by the message format. With the V2 protocol design, you have to read the result row, one field at a time.
> IIUC, in the newer V3? protocol, the AsciiRow/BinaryRow message is replaced by a DataRow message. The DataRow message has the message size included, which could allow the driver to read the entire set of fields for one data row, using a single socket read (or a few buffer sized reads).
> I recall seeing an experimental V3 protocol implementation, a few years back - sorry, no links handy. It would be nice to see some benchmarks.
> Hope that helps.

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Re: Pharo performance

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
In reply to this post by Yanni Chiu
Hi Yanni,

On 30 Jul 2013, at 05:17, Yanni Chiu <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 29/07/13 7:08 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> The explanation for the slowdown must be in the PgV2 driver.
> The PgV2 protocol is described at:
> Have a glance at the "AsciiRow" and "BinaryRow" message formats. The driver reads the data off the socket, parsing the the data, as described as described by the message format. With the V2 protocol design, you have to read the result row, one field at a time.
> IIUC, in the newer V3? protocol, the AsciiRow/BinaryRow message is replaced by a DataRow message. The DataRow message has the message size included, which could allow the driver to read the entire set of fields for one data row, using a single socket read (or a few buffer sized reads).
> I recall seeing an experimental V3 protocol implementation, a few years back - sorry, no links handy. It would be nice to see some benchmarks.
> Hope that helps.

Thanks for the response.

I believe the V3 project is here

Now, I probably spoke too fast and should have taken Mariano's advice to never speculate and first measure. Here is my quick test that, for me, shows that PostgresV2 seems more than fast enough (something that I had experienced before without doing benchmarks).

[ self execute: 'select longitude,latitude from log_data limit 10000;' ] timeToRun.

=> 76 ms

[ self execute: 'select longitude,latitude from log_data limit 100000;' ] timeToRun.

=> 765 ms

This is querying for 2 floats from a huge table, over the network. Pretty fast ;-)

So, back to Chris: what exactly are you doing that is (so) slow ?

Anyway, thanks Yanni for all your work on the existing driver !


Sven Van Caekenberghe
Proudly supporting Pharo

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Re: Pharo performance

Igor Stasenko
On 30 July 2013 10:42, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Yanni,
> On 30 Jul 2013, at 05:17, Yanni Chiu <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 29/07/13 7:08 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>>> The explanation for the slowdown must be in the PgV2 driver.
>> The PgV2 protocol is described at:
>> Have a glance at the "AsciiRow" and "BinaryRow" message formats. The driver reads the data off the socket, parsing the the data, as described as described by the message format. With the V2 protocol design, you have to read the result row, one field at a time.
>> IIUC, in the newer V3? protocol, the AsciiRow/BinaryRow message is replaced by a DataRow message. The DataRow message has the message size included, which could allow the driver to read the entire set of fields for one data row, using a single socket read (or a few buffer sized reads).
>> I recall seeing an experimental V3 protocol implementation, a few years back - sorry, no links handy. It would be nice to see some benchmarks.
>> Hope that helps.
> Thanks for the response.
> I believe the V3 project is here
> Now, I probably spoke too fast and should have taken Mariano's advice to never speculate and first measure. Here is my quick test that, for me, shows that PostgresV2 seems more than fast enough (something that I had experienced before without doing benchmarks).
> [ self execute: 'select longitude,latitude from log_data limit 10000;' ] timeToRun.
> => 76 ms
76 ms for 10000 records?
that's quite good throughput i would say.

> [ self execute: 'select longitude,latitude from log_data limit 100000;' ] timeToRun.
> => 765 ms
> This is querying for 2 floats from a huge table, over the network. Pretty fast ;-)
> So, back to Chris: what exactly are you doing that is (so) slow ?
> Anyway, thanks Yanni for all your work on the existing driver !
> Sven
> --
> Sven Van Caekenberghe
> Proudly supporting Pharo

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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Re: Pharo performance

Esteban A. Maringolo
2013/7/30 Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]>:

>> [ self execute: 'select longitude,latitude from log_data limit 10000;' ] timeToRun.
>> => 76 ms
> 76 ms for 10000 records?
> that's quite good throughput i would say.

That will depend on the cursor type being used for the query.
If it's just opening the cursor is one thing, but if you have to fetch
all the data through the network it is a different story.

76ms to 10K rows is fast for a static cursor or for a forward only
cursor + data fetch.


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Re: Pharo performance

In reply to this post by Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
It was 60000 doubles from the double precision[] type. Having had a very
small look, it's possible that it isn't even supported and someone at
our end has hacked the float converter to parse each one out, so I think
it must be coming in as a string.

> Hi Yanni,
> On 30 Jul 2013, at 05:17, Yanni Chiu <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 29/07/13 7:08 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>>> The explanation for the slowdown must be in the PgV2 driver.
>> The PgV2 protocol is described at:
>> Have a glance at the "AsciiRow" and "BinaryRow" message formats. The driver reads the data off the socket, parsing the the data, as described as described by the message format. With the V2 protocol design, you have to read the result row, one field at a time.
>> IIUC, in the newer V3? protocol, the AsciiRow/BinaryRow message is replaced by a DataRow message. The DataRow message has the message size included, which could allow the driver to read the entire set of fields for one data row, using a single socket read (or a few buffer sized reads).
>> I recall seeing an experimental V3 protocol implementation, a few years back - sorry, no links handy. It would be nice to see some benchmarks.
>> Hope that helps.
> Thanks for the response.
> I believe the V3 project is here
> Now, I probably spoke too fast and should have taken Mariano's advice to never speculate and first measure. Here is my quick test that, for me, shows that PostgresV2 seems more than fast enough (something that I had experienced before without doing benchmarks).
> [ self execute: 'select longitude,latitude from log_data limit 10000;' ] timeToRun.
> => 76 ms
> [ self execute: 'select longitude,latitude from log_data limit 100000;' ] timeToRun.
> => 765 ms
> This is querying for 2 floats from a huge table, over the network. Pretty fast ;-)
> So, back to Chris: what exactly are you doing that is (so) slow ?
> Anyway, thanks Yanni for all your work on the existing driver !
> Sven
> --
> Sven Van Caekenberghe
> Proudly supporting Pharo

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Re: Pharo performance

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
> You could try:
> | floats |
> floats := (1 to: 200000) collect: #asFloat.
> [ FloatPrintPolicy
>    value: InexactFloatPrintPolicy new
>    during: [
>        String new: 1500000 streamContents: [ :stream |
>            floats do: [ :each | each printOn: stream ] ] ] ] timeToRun
> => 796 ms
> I haven't looked at the Postgresql driver in detail, but I would guess that PostgresV2 reads from a String somewhere, which is slow unless care is taken, while psycopg probably does a binary read. That last thing can be done in Pharo as well, but not if the driver is text based somehow.
> You are right: Pharo should definitively be in the same range as other dynamically typed languages. But dynamic languages are dangerous: user become lazy / ignorant about performance.
> Thanks for pushing this.

we need more people to profile and look at these aspects.
I can tell you that we are all working like crazy to improve the system and I hope that one of these days we will have
real regression tests. But well you know it takes a lot of time.

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Re: Pharo performance

BTW, is there any special consortium list where we can discuss business out of the public eye?

Philippe Back
Dramatic Performance Improvements
Mob: +32(0) 478 650 140 | Fax: +32 (0) 70 408 027
Blog: | Twitter: @philippeback

High Octane SPRL
rue cour Boisacq 101 | 1301 Bierges | Belgium

Featured on the Software Process and Measurement Cast
Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect and Ability Engineering EADocX Value Added Reseller

On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
> You could try:
> | floats |
> floats := (1 to: 200000) collect: #asFloat.
> [ FloatPrintPolicy
>    value: InexactFloatPrintPolicy new
>    during: [
>        String new: 1500000 streamContents: [ :stream |
>            floats do: [ :each | each printOn: stream ] ] ] ] timeToRun
> => 796 ms
> I haven't looked at the Postgresql driver in detail, but I would guess that PostgresV2 reads from a String somewhere, which is slow unless care is taken, while psycopg probably does a binary read. That last thing can be done in Pharo as well, but not if the driver is text based somehow.
> You are right: Pharo should definitively be in the same range as other dynamically typed languages. But dynamic languages are dangerous: user become lazy / ignorant about performance.
> Thanks for pushing this.

we need more people to profile and look at these aspects.
I can tell you that we are all working like crazy to improve the system and I hope that one of these days we will have
real regression tests. But well you know it takes a lot of time.


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Re: Pharo performance

Stéphane Ducasse
yes normally there is one :)
Now I will check who is in.
What we should pay attention is that we are not really in favor of private discussions (even if I understand it fr business it is important).
If you think that this would be good we can create a private business list.


BTW, is there any special consortium list where we can discuss business out of the public eye?

Philippe Back
Dramatic Performance Improvements
Mob: +32(0) 478 650 140 | Fax: +32 (0) 70 408 027
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High Octane SPRL
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On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
> You could try:
> | floats |
> floats := (1 to: 200000) collect: #asFloat.
> [ FloatPrintPolicy
>    value: InexactFloatPrintPolicy new
>    during: [
>        String new: 1500000 streamContents: [ :stream |
>            floats do: [ :each | each printOn: stream ] ] ] ] timeToRun
> => 796 ms
> I haven't looked at the Postgresql driver in detail, but I would guess that PostgresV2 reads from a String somewhere, which is slow unless care is taken, while psycopg probably does a binary read. That last thing can be done in Pharo as well, but not if the driver is text based somehow.
> You are right: Pharo should definitively be in the same range as other dynamically typed languages. But dynamic languages are dangerous: user become lazy / ignorant about performance.
> Thanks for pushing this.

we need more people to profile and look at these aspects.
I can tell you that we are all working like crazy to improve the system and I hope that one of these days we will have
real regression tests. But well you know it takes a lot of time.


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Re: Pharo performance

Yes, as discussed, I am pushing Pharo and discussing business in the open just doesn't work for me.
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Re: Pharo performance

In reply to this post by Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
It definitely seems to be because most things in the V2 driver are
coming in as strings and then being converted. Running the same query on
the three systems gives the following for a 65000 double array

PGV2 770m/s
PGV3 200m/s
Psycopg2 130m/s

Now I just need to find out how to get PGV3 as the backend for Glorp!


> Hi Yanni,
> On 30 Jul 2013, at 05:17, Yanni Chiu <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 29/07/13 7:08 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>>> The explanation for the slowdown must be in the PgV2 driver.
>> The PgV2 protocol is described at:
>> Have a glance at the "AsciiRow" and "BinaryRow" message formats. The driver reads the data off the socket, parsing the the data, as described as described by the message format. With the V2 protocol design, you have to read the result row, one field at a time.
>> IIUC, in the newer V3? protocol, the AsciiRow/BinaryRow message is replaced by a DataRow message. The DataRow message has the message size included, which could allow the driver to read the entire set of fields for one data row, using a single socket read (or a few buffer sized reads).
>> I recall seeing an experimental V3 protocol implementation, a few years back - sorry, no links handy. It would be nice to see some benchmarks.
>> Hope that helps.
> Thanks for the response.
> I believe the V3 project is here
> Now, I probably spoke too fast and should have taken Mariano's advice to never speculate and first measure. Here is my quick test that, for me, shows that PostgresV2 seems more than fast enough (something that I had experienced before without doing benchmarks).
> [ self execute: 'select longitude,latitude from log_data limit 10000;' ] timeToRun.
> => 76 ms
> [ self execute: 'select longitude,latitude from log_data limit 100000;' ] timeToRun.
> => 765 ms
> This is querying for 2 floats from a huge table, over the network. Pretty fast ;-)
> So, back to Chris: what exactly are you doing that is (so) slow ?
> Anyway, thanks Yanni for all your work on the existing driver !
> Sven
> --
> Sven Van Caekenberghe
> Proudly supporting Pharo

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Re: Pharo performance

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Chris <[hidden email]> wrote:
It definitely seems to be because most things in the V2 driver are coming in as strings and then being converted. Running the same query on the three systems gives the following for a 65000 double array

PGV2 770m/s
PGV3 200m/s
Psycopg2 130m/s

Now I just need to find out how to get PGV3 as the backend for Glorp!

PLease please please use the Glorp version you get from the DBX suite.
You need to create a subclass of DatabaseDriver. You can take a look to NativePostgresDriver and create a similar one for V3.
I would also like to have Glorp + PostgresV3 running. 

Also...we should somehow use NativePostgresPoolingDriver and NativePostgresConnectionPool for V3... we need some refactor here...

We should join forces!! 

Hi Yanni,

On 30 Jul 2013, at 05:17, Yanni Chiu <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 29/07/13 7:08 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
The explanation for the slowdown must be in the PgV2 driver.
The PgV2 protocol is described at:

Have a glance at the "AsciiRow" and "BinaryRow" message formats. The driver reads the data off the socket, parsing the the data, as described as described by the message format. With the V2 protocol design, you have to read the result row, one field at a time.

IIUC, in the newer V3? protocol, the AsciiRow/BinaryRow message is replaced by a DataRow message. The DataRow message has the message size included, which could allow the driver to read the entire set of fields for one data row, using a single socket read (or a few buffer sized reads).

I recall seeing an experimental V3 protocol implementation, a few years back - sorry, no links handy. It would be nice to see some benchmarks.

Hope that helps.
Thanks for the response.

I believe the V3 project is here

Now, I probably spoke too fast and should have taken Mariano's advice to never speculate and first measure. Here is my quick test that, for me, shows that PostgresV2 seems more than fast enough (something that I had experienced before without doing benchmarks).

[ self execute: 'select longitude,latitude from log_data limit 10000;' ] timeToRun.

=> 76 ms

[ self execute: 'select longitude,latitude from log_data limit 100000;' ] timeToRun.

=> 765 ms

This is querying for 2 floats from a huge table, over the network. Pretty fast ;-)

So, back to Chris: what exactly are you doing that is (so) slow ?

Anyway, thanks Yanni for all your work on the existing driver !


Sven Van Caekenberghe
Proudly supporting Pharo
