Pharo sprint @ Brussels

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Pharo sprint @ Brussels

Johan Brichau
Hi everyone,

This is just a reminder that if you are planning to attend the Pharo sprint in Brussels on friday 11 and saturday 12 June, please fill in your name on the wiki or respond in this thread.
Also, if you do not plan on attending both days, let us know.

We need to know how many sandwiches to order for lunch :-)  


Johan Brichau
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Re: Pharo sprint @ Brussels

Tudor Girba

I will join. On Friday, I will probably not be there the whole day,  
but I do not know yet when exactly.


On 4 Jun 2010, at 10:34, Johan Brichau wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> This is just a reminder that if you are planning to attend the Pharo  
> sprint in Brussels on friday 11 and saturday 12 June, please fill in  
> your name on the wiki or respond in this thread.
> Also, if you do not plan on attending both days, let us know.
> We need to know how many sandwiches to order for lunch :-)
> Cheers
> ----------------------------
> Johan Brichau
> [hidden email]
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