i'm interested to port all my code to new Pharo version that manage git support. I found information in news, it talk of Pharo 6.1. But it run only on macOS 64bits o i can run it on Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS System? New information - update about it? Thank you for every consideration, Dario |
On 2 July 2018 at 23:32, [hidden email] <[hidden email]> wrote: Ciao, At you can either: 1. At top of page click the "GNU/Linux" to install 64-bit PharoLauncher. This gives you manage multiple 64bit or 32bit images although the latter requires some i386 dependencies to be manually installed. 2. Further down click "Pharo 6.1 for GNU/Linux (64bit)" which provides a single installation you can unzip where you like. cheers -ben |
Thanks, OK, i have setup a Pharo 6.1 image with Iceberg update as Now i'm "new" to git support ...... I understand ??? that Iceberg has some limitations, it is not complete ......????
I would be grateful if someone explained to me how operatively I can manage everything ...
up to where I can do with Iceberg directly from Pharo and how to operate from the shell on the git repository. Documentation in this sense? My goal is to setup a environment for integrate Pharo development with Gemstone GLASS Tode git support..... Does anyone have experience in this sense? Thanks, Dario
Hi Dario,
Pharo 6.1 runs on 64bits, except for windows.
Take into account that this is highly necessary. The version of Iceberg in Pharo 6.1 is just an old preview version. While Pharo works on 64 bits, Iceberg itself was not at that time, so upgrading is necessary to have that support.
Iceberg already has pretty good support to manage pharo code. You'll find however that it does not manage (yet) non-pharo files. That is, if your repository has scripts, pictures or such kind of resources, you will have for now to edit and commit them from the outside (command line or another tool). The reasons for that are so far explained in here
Well, you have iceberg's wiki We are moving the documentation (hey, bit thanks to Tim Mackinon here!) to the main repository so people can easy contribute to it. What is left is a sync mechanism between that directory and the wiki repository.
That's not me, I hope you'll find somebody. But if you have any questions regarding Iceberg, don't hesitate to ask them! |
Ciao, thanks.....
"load iceberg" Metacello new baseline: 'Iceberg'; repository: '<a href="github://pharo-vcs/iceberg:v1.?">github://pharo-vcs/iceberg:v1.?'; onWarningLog; load. "Re-initialize libgit2" (Smalltalk at: #LGitLibrary) initialize. But it's the last version ? How i can understand what is the right version to update ? 2) for error i delete the......shared/pharo-local/iceber/git/iceberg directory. i need to setup a new pharo environment ?
You intend at this support ? Thanks, Dario |
I have used Pharo with Git, for versioning source code and variable assets , images and audio files using filetree and the git client of my choosing. Git is super flexible , especially if you combine it with make files that I also use to build my own custom pharo images together with pharo startup scripts (the operate on the startup of a pharo image to check for dependencies and incompatibilities with the image and then compensate for any such problem). Iceberg is great to make things easier and keep everything organized from inside the image but I cannot stress enough that Iceberg SHOULD NOT be used to avoid learning Git because in the end Git is extremely powerful , although sometimes not that elegant, its not easy to replace the existing super powerful gui clients that exist for it and are used by millions of developers worldwide. If you are on windows I recommend tortoiseGit cause integrates elegantly with windows explorer and is very powerful. For MacOS I recommend GitUp it has its own Undo functionality to quickly recover from accidental mistakes. All the above of course can be used together with Iceberg and there is little reason for them to conflict because in the end , everything has to follow the Git workflow and rules. I have also tested these workflow for Gitlab (an open source alternative to Github and probably the second most popular online repo website after Github) and it works without any issues. The workflows is practically the same.
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