[Pharo-users] pathfinder object?

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[Pharo-users] pathfinder object?

I am wondering if anyone has coded a pathfinding object in Smalltalk?  I am working on one, but don't want to "reinvent the wheel". I am new to Pharo and Smalltalk, so this should be a good learning experience.  I am using the A* algorithm for starters, but would like to have a variety of pathfinding options using different algorithms.

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Re: [Pharo-users] pathfinder object?

Stéphane Ducasse
Hi Jack

did you check PointerFinder?

I can search for reasons why a certain object isn't garbage collected.  I'm a quick port of a VisualWorks program written by Hans-Martin Mosner.  Call me as shown below.  I'll search for a path from a global variable to the given object, presenting it in a small morphic UI.

        PointerFinder on: self currentHand
        PointerFinder on: StandardSystemView someInstance

Now, let's see why this image contains more HandMorphs as expected...

HandMorph allInstancesDo: [:e | PointerFinder on: e]

would be nice to get it a better interface.....


On Jan 25, 2010, at 1:46 PM, Jack Gibson wrote:

> Hello,
> I am wondering if anyone has coded a pathfinding object in Smalltalk?  I am working on one, but don't want to "reinvent the wheel". I am new to Pharo and Smalltalk, so this should be a good learning experience.  I am using the A* algorithm for starters, but would like to have a variety of pathfinding options using different algorithms.
> Thanks,
> Jack
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