Pharo using old release of Announcements?

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Pharo using old release of Announcements?

Runar Jordahl
The implementation of Announcements in Pharo 1.2.1 looks very
different from the one in VisualWorks 7.7.1. For example, VisualWorks
implements Object>>announce: , meaning that classes that want to
“announce” , can simply reimplement #subscriptionRegistryOrNil , while
in Pharo you need to inherit from Annoucer or reimplement all its

Does anyone know why there are differences between the two dialects?
Is Pharo not keept up to date in this area?

Kind regards

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Re: Pharo using old release of Announcements?

Igor Stasenko
On 24 May 2011 10:56, Runar Jordahl <[hidden email]> wrote:

> The implementation of Announcements in Pharo 1.2.1 looks very
> different from the one in VisualWorks 7.7.1. For example, VisualWorks
> implements Object>>announce: , meaning that classes that want to
> “announce” , can simply reimplement #subscriptionRegistryOrNil , while
> in Pharo you need to inherit from Annoucer or reimplement all its
> methods.
> Does anyone know why there are differences between the two dialects?
> Is Pharo not keept up to date in this area?

It was a conscious choice. Initially, announcements which were added
to pharo has very
compact implementation, with minimal features available.
It was inspired by Announcements from VisualWorks, but implemented from scratch
based only on publicly available description.
I guess it was done specifically to avoid potential problems with licensing.
Lukas could say more about it, since it is he, who did an initial
implementation , if i'm not mistaken.

If you think there is a missing functionality, which could be useful
for general use, feel free to
propose the changes (but please do that in pharo-dev list), so we will
discuss it and consider for
inclusion in next Pharo release.

> Kind regards
> Runar

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: Pharo using old release of Announcements?

Lukas Renggli
> It was inspired by Announcements from VisualWorks, but implemented from scratch
> based only on publicly available description.
> I guess it was done specifically to avoid potential problems with licensing.
> Lukas could say more about it, since it is he, who did an initial
> implementation , if i'm not mistaken.

The original implementation is the one of Colin in OB. I extracted it
and created a separate package the Pharo integrated at some point.
Licensing made it impossible to have the same implementation as

> If you think there is a missing functionality, which could be useful
> for general use, feel free to
> propose the changes (but please do that in pharo-dev list), so we will
> discuss it and consider for
> inclusion in next Pharo release.

OB used the Pharo implementation for a while (if I remember correctly
that was during Pharo 1.1), but eventually dropped back to its own
implementation. Today it is probably the best to implement your own
announcements with your own two methods that you need to make sure it
just works in your package.


Lukas Renggli

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Re: Pharo using old release of Announcements?

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
+ 1

We should improve the base system. So if you have suggestion or needs please let us know.

> implements Object>>announce: , meaning that classes that want to
>> “announce” , can simply reimplement #subscriptionRegistryOrNil , while
>> in Pharo you need to inherit from Annoucer or reimplement all its
>> methods.
>> Does anyone know why there are differences between the two dialects?
>> Is Pharo not keept up to date in this area?
> It was a conscious choice. Initially, announcements which were added
> to pharo has very
> compact implementation, with minimal features available.
> It was inspired by Announcements from VisualWorks, but implemented from scratch
> based only on publicly available description.
> I guess it was done specifically to avoid potential problems with licensing.
> Lukas could say more about it, since it is he, who did an initial
> implementation , if i'm not mistaken.
> If you think there is a missing functionality, which could be useful
> for general use, feel free to
> propose the changes (but please do that in pharo-dev list), so we will
> discuss it and consider for
> inclusion in next Pharo release.
>> Kind regards
>> Runar
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.