Pharo web-app solution with heavy table usage

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Pharo web-app solution with heavy table usage

Hi all. I am currently on a web-app project that is just getting
started, and we're aiming at a Meteor implementation, but the leader is
flexible and may entertain other solutions.  The thing is, the app
involves heavy usage of table presentation, and needs inline editing and
forms.  We also like reactivity, now that Meteor has it; but it is not
critical. What can the Pharo camp offer as a viable platform for
developing such an app right now?  Would I need to integrate something
like, or, and
also use Amber?  Is there perhaps a production-ready Smalltalk-based
table solution?  Note that currently I am the only Smalltalker on the
team, and the team is remote.

- Paul

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Re: Pharo web-app solution with heavy table usage

Stephan Eggermont-3
Hi Paul,

On 15/05/15 18:09, Paul Davidowitz wrote:
> What can the Pharo camp offer as a viable platform for
> developing such an app right now?  Would I need to integrate something
> like, or, and
> also use Amber?  Is there perhaps a production-ready Smalltalk-based
> table solution?  Note that currently I am the only Smalltalker on the
> team, and the team is remote.

Esteban Maringolo integrated datatables with Seaside

The QCMagritte table based editor works but needs layout/css updates,
more widgets for other data types and needs to deal better with focus
and keyboard control.


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