on macOS X Sierra 10.12.3 can't write to changes file

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| on macOS X Sierra 10.12.3 can't write to changes file

Marco A.
From, I clicked the nice blue "MacOSX" button to download the As the little javascript alert warned me, I placed it into /Applications folder and launched. I saw the black screen that many people have written about, and I get an information window with the following message "Pharo cannot write to the changes file named /private/var/folders/ph/6q54clts6y7czjnhc0vxpct40000gr/T/AppTranslocation/58A28E84-EC87-40E7-B87E-11E24533A93B/d/

Please check that you have write permission for this file.

You won't be able to save this image correctly until you fix this."

I have an iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013) running macOS Sierra version 10.12.3. I tried chmod 777 on the changes file but it didn't work. The World menu > System > About... shows "Pharo5.0 Latest update: #50770".
When I try to quit, throws an exception also.

Can anyone give me guidance? What am I doing wrong?

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Re: on macOS X Sierra 10.12.3 can't write to changes file

Marco A.
I figured out a way that appears to work. Let me know if there's a better way, or if I have articulated something not quite necessary or correct.

1. In /Applications directory, create a folder called "Pharo5.0".
(Not required, but I wanted to group all the files in one place rather than scattered in my /Applications directory).

2. Launch Terminal.

3. In Terminal type the following: (without the quotes)
      cd /Applications/Pharo5.0
      curl | bash

4. When it's finished, it will create a bunch of files and at least one folder called "pharo-vm". Inside that folder will be the Pharo virtual machine file "" along with the file "PharoV50.sources"

5. To launch, drag the Pharo.image file on top of the pharo-vm/ file.

It will launch, briefly show a black screen, but then show the standard Pharo desktop with no warning message. When I quit, either with saving or not saving changes, there is also no warning. It appears to work properly.

Lessons learned:
* The blue MacOS button on the download page downloads but the resulting file doesn't work properly, even if it's placed in the /Applications directory.
* the "curl" way works (see above, and section "Prefer the Command Line?"
* Dragging the image file onto the VM works to launch Pharo