PharoCloud Ephemeric Cloud updates

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PharoCloud Ephemeric Cloud updates


Some updates on Ephemeric Cloud development:

1) Ephemeric cloud moved from OVH to Digital Ocean. In theory this opens an opportunity to run instances in different datacenter regions of DO. I think about adding a node in Frankfurt. Any thoughts?

2) Added support for Pharo 6 (32 bits only for now). Pharo 6 is particularly slow in read-only environments, so... now environment is writable. All changes are written to memory and reset on restart. Kind of works, Pharo 6 images are starting in 1-2 seconds (after initial load which may take for like 10 seconds). I migrated all my apps to the Pharo 6 and seems to work fine now.

3) Added custom ports support. Now it is possible to expose any additional ports needed for your Image. If you set an integer array to property "customPorts" system will expose and forward to these ports on start of the instance. Public addresses of the exposed ports are available on "mappedPorts". Note that public addresses are changed every start (and not accessible on stopped Images).

4) As result now you can remotely connect, debug and control Images running at PharoCloud using PharmIDE:
This is so awesome! Thank you to Denis for his great work on PharmIDE:
Please try it and tell me if it works for you.

5) Completely new http gate for ephemerics. Instead of golang version now it is run on nginx + lua. This allows virtually all features to work. Like websockets:

6) Optimized Image upload should give pretty good boost in sending new Images to cloud.

Just a reminder: to get free access to the cloud you can use your Pharo Association account or register at pharocloud main site. You can log in here:

Docs can be found here:

Looking forward for feedback.


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Re: PharoCloud Ephemeric Cloud updates

Denis Kudriashov
Good job Mike.
It opens a lot of possibilities.

2017-07-03 23:17 GMT+02:00 mikefilonov <[hidden email]>:

4) As result now you can remotely connect, debug and control Images running
at PharoCloud using PharmIDE:
This is so awesome! Thank you to Denis for his great work on PharmIDE:
Please try it and tell me if it works for you.

It works fine. I just tested it.

Best regards,
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Re: PharoCloud Ephemeric Cloud updates

Marcus Denker-4
In reply to this post by mikefilonov

> 2) Added support for Pharo 6 (32 bits only for now). Pharo 6 is particularly
> slow in read-only environments, so... now environment is writable. All
> changes are written to memory and reset on restart. Kind of works, Pharo 6
> images are starting in 1-2 seconds (after initial load which may take for
> like 10 seconds). I migrated all my apps to the Pharo 6 and seems to work
> fine now.
We should really fix that… do you know if there is already an issue tracker entry?

> 4) As result now you can remotely connect, debug and control Images running
> at PharoCloud using PharmIDE:
> This is so awesome! Thank you to Denis for his great work on PharmIDE:
> Please try it and tell me if it works for you.

