On 19 Nov 2014, at 13:24, Rafael Luque <[hidden email]> wrote:Another noob question. What's the difference between these two options I see in get.pharo.org?get.pharo.org/vmLatest This script downloads the latest Pharo VM.
get.pharo.org/vmSLatest This script downloads the latest PharoS VM.
Thank you.Rafael Luque
Another noob question. What's the difference between these two options I see in get.pharo.org?get.pharo.org/vmLatest This script downloads the latest Pharo VM.get.pharo.org/vmSLatest This script downloads the latest PharoS VM.Thank you.Rafael Luque
On 19 Nov 2014, at 13:24, Rafael Luque <[hidden email]> wrote:Another noob question. What's the difference between these two options I see in get.pharo.org?get.pharo.org/vmLatest This script downloads the latest Pharo VM.latest Cog (JIT)get.pharo.org/vmSLatest This script downloads the latest PharoS VM.latest Stack (No JIT)cheers, EstebanThank you.Rafael Luque