PharoTips architecture

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PharoTips architecture

Mariano Martinez Peck
Sorry Javier for "talking" too much about your project ;)  I am just curious.

1) How to store tips?  How are you going to store the tips?  just class side variable with all stuff?

2) it would be great to be able to give properties to each tip. At least, to tell each tips in which context it should appear (not mandatory). For example, the tip "Do you want to save your workspaces to disk and manage easily multiple of them? Check out "Tools" -> "ScriptManager?"   should appear when using a workspace.

so...a Tip may be dispatched against zero or more contexts

3) Define contexts: only type of windows ?  or also capture events. For example, I can define a context is when browsing a class. That would be cool.

4) How to intercept these "contexts" without changing the PharoCore?  Is is possible right now?  what about using Announcments ? It would be cool to have inside PharoCore a way to notify these kind of stuffs

5) This is related to 1)   How can a package define its own tips ?  Suppose the example I gave in 2)  I want to put it in the package   ScriptManaget-PharoTips. It would be great to be able to define them there and then somehow to register them in the PharoTip "database".

Ok...sorry. I know I flow too much hahaha. I went beyond the simple tool you wanted to do. The thing is that I am really interesting in this project and I think having this would be great.


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Re: PharoTips architecture


2010/5/15 Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]>
Sorry Javier for "talking" too much about your project ;)  I am just curious.

1) How to store tips?  How are you going to store the tips?  just class side variable with all stuff?

sort of by now. For the sake of simplicity I just made tips be strings, but we may change that eventually.
2) it would be great to be able to give properties to each tip. At least, to tell each tips in which context it should appear (not mandatory). For example, the tip "Do you want to save your workspaces to disk and manage easily multiple of them? Check out "Tools" -> "ScriptManager?"   should appe ar when using a workspace.

so...a Tip may be dispatched against zero or more contexts

I like the idea. All GUIs in the world should be context sensitive, we should exploit the fact that doing it in smalltalk is easy.

3) Define contexts: only type of windows ?  or also capture events. For example, I can define a context is when browsing a class. That would be cool.

If we think of contexts as tags or something like that, anything that is done in the GUI could signal a context, like clicking a menu.

4) How to intercept these "contexts" without changing the PharoCore?  Is is possible right now?  what about using Announcments ? It would be cool to have inside PharoCore a way to notify these kind of stuffs

This is something where I'd really like to hear ideas, I'm not experienced with morphic nor announcements, nor browsers' imlementation or even menues.

5) This is related to 1)   How can a package define its own tips ?  Suppose the example I gave in 2)  I want to put it in the package   ScriptManaget-PharoTips. It would be great to be able to define them there and then somehow to register them in the PharoTip "database".

What a nice idea. Maybe you could add a line to initialize class method of some class inside that package. If I'm correct this method is called when a class is loaded from monticello.
We could even even have a tip about it, or should I say a meta-tip.
Ok...sorry. I know I flow too much hahaha. I went beyond the simple tool you wanted to do. The thing is that I am really interesting in this project and I think having this would be great.

Excelent, I like your ideas, they are really innovative and go in the same line of the ones I had in my mind. Also, thank's for taking some time to improve this little toy.


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Javier Pimás
Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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