Pier 2: ? in resfull url's

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Pier 2: ? in resfull url's

Jan van de Sandt

When I switch my pier 2 website to use session cookies I get nice restful URL's. Only there is a question mark behind the URL even if there are no query parameters.

I tracked this down to the WUrl>>purgeSeasideFields method. The question marks disappears when I change the method to:

    self queryFields keys do: [ :each |
        (self isSeasideField: each)
            ifTrue: [
                self queryFields removeKey: each ifAbsent: [ ].
                self queryFields isEmpty
                    ifTrue: [ self queryFields: nil ] ] ]

It is also possible to change the WAUrl>>encodeOn: method to check for an empty queryFields collection.


Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Pier 2: ? in resfull url's

Lukas Renggli
I prefer to fix encodeOn: in Seaside. I've created a bug report:


Thanks for reporting.


On 26 February 2010 23:44, Jan van de Sandt <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello,
> When I switch my pier 2 website to use session cookies I get nice restful
> URL's. Only there is a question mark behind the URL even if there are no
> query parameters.
> I tracked this down to the WUrl>>purgeSeasideFields method. The question
> marks disappears when I change the method to:
> purgeSeasideFields
>     self queryFields keys do: [ :each |
>         (self isSeasideField: each)
>             ifTrue: [
>                 self queryFields removeKey: each ifAbsent: [ ].
>                 self queryFields isEmpty
>                     ifTrue: [ self queryFields: nil ] ] ]
> It is also possible to change the WAUrl>>encodeOn: method to check for an
> empty queryFields collection.
> Jan.
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> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Lukas Renggli

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...