Pier EPUB view - now includes stylesheets, fixed table of contents links

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Pier EPUB view - now includes stylesheets, fixed table of contents links

Yanni Chiu
I've uploaded some modifications to Pier-Book-EPUB. Let me know if there
are any problems. Here's what's changed:

(1) stylesheets - any localStyleSheet that is defined in the chain from
book/part/chapter, are now included in the zip archive, and linked in
the corresponding chapter.html file. Your EPUB book formatting may
change, if a stylesheet gets included.

(2) The +value:book.contents+ now generates correct links.

(3) A major flaw was fixed - previously, extra section/subsection/etc.
files were being added to the zip archive. These should not have been
present, since the chapter file has all the content.

Many testcases are included. Hopefully these will prevent the
functionality from changing or regressing without warning.

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