Pier sprint Eindhoven

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Pier sprint Eindhoven


Over the weekend in Eindhoven we focused our efforts on building a friendly admin interface for Pier. The concept was that rather than having the admin features within site's environment (~template), we wrap a pier site in an admin interface which would be available from a different url (eg www.mysite.com/admin or admin.mysite.com). See attached screen grab. This is very much still a WIP. The reasons for this approach were:
1) Focus the site's environment on the contents of the site and not to be worried about the administration interface.
2) Simplify the site's environment by removing the administration tools. 
3) Remove the concern that editing the site's environment could break the admin interface.
4) Provide a consistent admin interface across all Pier sites.
5) Ensure that the admin url is secure.

That said it's probably not as black-and-white as I've implied; there are some admin or editorial tasks which would probably make sense to keep within the site, for example add a new blog post, edit a page.

The WIP admin interface is available in repository: 'http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pier2addons', package: 'Pier-Admin'. Until we update a Metacello configuration there are some class site installation helpers:
   PRAdminFrame class >> #loadDependentPackages
   PRAdminFrame class >> #register

Hope this makes sense


The attendees where:
Adriaan van Os
Louis Andriese 
thomas noordzij 
Julian Fitzell 
Maarten Daalder
Norbert Hartl 
Bart Veenstra 
Nick Ager
Reza Razavi
Stephan Eggermont 
Friso Geerlings

hope I haven't missed anyone

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...

Screen shot 2011-07-05 at 05.24.37.png (164K) Download Attachment
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Re: Pier sprint Eindhoven

Thanks Nick for wrapping this up.


Am 05.07.2011 um 07:46 schrieb Nick Ager:


Over the weekend in Eindhoven we focused our efforts on building a friendly admin interface for Pier. The concept was that rather than having the admin features within site's environment (~template), we wrap a pier site in an admin interface which would be available from a different url (eg www.mysite.com/admin or admin.mysite.com). See attached screen grab. This is very much still a WIP. The reasons for this approach were:
1) Focus the site's environment on the contents of the site and not to be worried about the administration interface.
2) Simplify the site's environment by removing the administration tools. 
3) Remove the concern that editing the site's environment could break the admin interface.
4) Provide a consistent admin interface across all Pier sites.
5) Ensure that the admin url is secure.

That said it's probably not as black-and-white as I've implied; there are some admin or editorial tasks which would probably make sense to keep within the site, for example add a new blog post, edit a page.

The WIP admin interface is available in repository: 'http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pier2addons', package: 'Pier-Admin'. Until we update a Metacello configuration there are some class site installation helpers:
   PRAdminFrame class >> #loadDependentPackages
   PRAdminFrame class >> #register

Hope this makes sense


The attendees where:
Adriaan van Os
Louis Andriese 
thomas noordzij 
Julian Fitzell 
Maarten Daalder
Norbert Hartl 
Bart Veenstra 
Nick Ager
Reza Razavi
Stephan Eggermont 
Friso Geerlings

hope I haven't missed anyone

<Screen shot 2011-07-05 at 05.24.37.png>_______________________________________________
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Pier sprint Eindhoven

Reza Razavi
At 10:56 05/07/2011, Norbert Hartl wrote:
>Thanks Nick for wrapping this up.

Indeed impressive; thanks Nick, the organizers, and all other participants!
PS: Goya will send you soon your respective photos ;-)

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...