I'm trying to extend Pillar to get new $publications:...$ structure and
it looks like Pillar is getting more and more complex. And the comments
do not really help because they are short and written for someone
already understanding it. :(
To try to understand I tried to
! Youpi
!! Others
but I get
./pillar export --to=pillar Example.pillar
May be I cannot export to pillar a citation. I have no idea.
I tried to add
PRPillarWriter >> visitCitationAnnotation: aCitation
"We invoke visitAnnotation: to make sure that the rest of the
document is visited."
self halt.
super visitCitationAnnotation: aCitation
Did not stop!
So I put an halt into
PRVisitor >> visitCitationAnnotation: aCitationAnnotation
self halt.
self createNewCitationWith: aCitationAnnotation.
self replace: (OrderedCollection with: tmpCitation) .
super visitCitationAnnotation: aCitationAnnotation
and it stopped.
I tried to understand who is calling
No luck. I'm sure that there is a magic registration mechanism but I
failed to find it.
Looking at tests (BTW Tests are not documentation or class comments,
there are tests).
It looks like I need a configuration.
(self actualClass
(PRCompilationContext withDocument: anInput
withConfiguration: aConfig))
And then I fall on executeOn: implementors..... LLPhase and
and I have no idea how a Phase relates to a visitor.
To bad, after all the efforts on Pillar it looks like getting too complex.
So do not think that we can decently ask students to work on improving
Pillar anymore
because they will just get lost and disgusted from Pharo. :(
Sad news isn't.
I hope that I will not have to switch back to LaTeX or markdown (shit).