Actually this is the old ancient first cut at an MP3 player that was written by John Maloney in 2000. It's pre-sophie and I'm not sure of the licensing as it might have been purged from the image and replaced by other code in the last 10 years from contributions by the eToys work, and yet another player I wrote.
The *real* Sophie player starts with the SophieMovie abstract class.
On 2010-12-13, at 8:52 AM, DeNigris Sean wrote:
> I extracted the mp3 support from Sophie. It works in Squeak 4.1 and Pharo 1.1.1 on Mac OS 10.6.5
> Load SophiePort from> Then try:
> song := StreamingMP3Sound onFileNamed: '/path/to/yourFavorite.mp3'.
> song play.
> song pause.
> Question:
> * there were checks like the following that had to be removed for Pharo 1.1.1: "WeakArray isFinalizationSupported ifFalse:[^anObject]". Is this no longer necessary?
> n.b. I am unclear about the license - Sophie has one license, the code itself seems to be SqueakL. Do your own investigation.
> Sean
John M. McIntosh <
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Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.