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Please add me as an iPad tester

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Please add me as an iPad tester

Peter Williams
1 post
Hi Bert,

I'm Pete an Art Director at Imagination London. I'm going to be doing a series of 'gamification' workshops with children from a junior-school. The school has just purchased a suite of iPads and is experimenting with the curriculum to find ways to make learning as fun as possible.

Please can you add me as a tester? And would you be able to add another 10 iPads to the list if I can get the UDIDs from the school?

My UDID is: 86ed3685900788ad847fa3a8daa40c9c66ec4c13

All the best,


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Conceptualisation & Art Direction

Connect with me at:  uk.linkedin.com/in/mrpetewilliams
See my work at:        www.behance.net/meetpete

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Re: Please add me as an iPad tester

Saimon Moore
2 posts
Hi Bert,

I also sent a request a while back to be added as an ipad tester. (I'd
like to try it out on my 4 year old)

My UUID is:
I´m using iOS version 5.1

Many thanks,


On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Peter Williams
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Bert,
> I'm Pete an Art Director at Imagination London. I'm going to be doing a
> series of 'gamification' workshops with children from a junior-school. The
> school has just purchased a suite of iPads and is experimenting with the
> curriculum to find ways to make learning as fun as possible.
> Please can you add me as a tester? And would you be able to add another 10
> iPads to the list if I can get the UDIDs from the school?
> My UDID is: 86ed3685900788ad847fa3a8daa40c9c66ec4c13
> All the best,
> Pete
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> -
> Conceptualisation & Art Direction
> Connect with me at:  uk.linkedin.com/in/mrpetewilliams
> See my work at:        www.behance.net/meetpete
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> -
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Saimon Moore
Web Developer @ Teambox.com

Skype: saimonmoore
Yahoo IM: saimonmoore
Google IM: saimonmoore
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Re: Please add me as an iPad tester

Bert Freudenberg
6568 posts
In reply to this post by Peter Williams
Hi Pete (and Saimon and others),

right now I cannot add more iPad testers. The signing profile expired after a year. That means Etoys as built currently will not run on anyones iPad anymore (not even on mine). [unless the iPad is jailbroken, but then you wouldn't have to ask here]

To make it work again, I would have to rebuild it, which I do not have the time for at the moment. Also, feedback from testers has not exactly been overwhelming. And there have not been any contributions from other developers (not even for the Squeak code, which anyone could work on even without an Apple developer license). I conclude there is not enough interest.

You cannot realistically use Etoys on a touchscreen with kids, yet. It works, but we need a couple of UI improvements. I still think it could be made to work reasonably well even without a complete overhaul (although it will be not as great as an environment designed for touch from the beginning). But someone will have to list all the things that do not work well enough currently, someone would need to come up with a design to improve each of those, and someone will have to implement it. So far, none of this is happening.

I will make another version eventually (unless someone beats me to it) but cannot promise when, yet.

- Bert -

On 02.07.2012, at 11:26, Peter Williams wrote:

> Hi Bert,
> I'm Pete an Art Director at Imagination London. I'm going to be doing a series of 'gamification' workshops with children from a junior-school. The school has just purchased a suite of iPads and is experimenting with the curriculum to find ways to make learning as fun as possible.
> Please can you add me as a tester? And would you be able to add another 10 iPads to the list if I can get the UDIDs from the school?
> My UDID is: 86ed3685900788ad847fa3a8daa40c9c66ec4c13
> All the best,
> Pete
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Conceptualisation & Art Direction
> Connect with me at:  uk.linkedin.com/in/mrpetewilliams
> See my work at:        www.behance.net/meetpete
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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