Pollock or not Pollock

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Pollock or not Pollock


I'm considering to use Pollock in a project to code a gui programatically. I asked many people in the community and i've been reading the newsgroups. As far as i know Pollock is in Beta and isn't finished yet but i knew about a couple of experiences and i found different point of views... so i'm not sure wich way would be the best so i'd like to ask for an advice.

In my project i need to create several widnows programatically, the windows use very simple widgets such as input text, action buttons, labels, a radio button, maybe something with a functionality like a layoutFrame or a layoutOrigin and also i could need a widget for a table.

Considering this scope, would you recommend using pollock ? why or why not ?

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Re: Pollock or not Pollock

Runar Jordahl
Since you are creating widgets programmatically, Pollock has an
advantage over Wrapper. Doing this kind of work is very easy in
Pollock. In fact, I find Pollock a pleasure to work with, and I am
temped to say "go for Pollock!".

The current downside of Pollock seems to be performance. One
particular problem people have run into (myself included) is
fractional frames redrawing incredible slow. One thread addressing
this is "Pollock - displaying is INCREDIBLY SLOW". I conclude that if
you use Pollock now, you risk ending up with a slow GUI. I am not yet
releasing any product with Pollock and I fixed the speed issues simply
by avoiding some kinds of resizing frames. I am sure these problems
will be fixed within the next months. Therefore, your choice should
also be based on your timeframe.

Runar Jordahl

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Re: Pollock or not Pollock


On 5/10/06, Runar Jordahl <[hidden email]> wrote:
Since you are creating widgets programmatically, Pollock has an
advantage over Wrapper. Doing this kind of work is very easy in
Pollock. In fact, I find Pollock a pleasure to work with, and I am
temped to say "go for Pollock!".

The current downside of Pollock seems to be performance. One
particular problem people have run into (myself included) is
fractional frames redrawing incredible slow. One thread addressing
this is "Pollock - displaying is INCREDIBLY SLOW". I conclude that if
you use Pollock now, you risk ending up with a slow GUI. I am not yet
releasing any product with Pollock and I fixed the speed issues simply
by avoiding some kinds of resizing frames. I am sure these problems
will be fixed within the next months. Therefore, your choice should
also be based on your timeframe.

Runar Jordahl

Hi there

Thank you very much for your answer. Well... i agree with you about pollock simplicity and considering our case, this is one of the strongest reasons why we're considering to use it. Fortunatelly we're thinking in fixed sized windows, so if this is the bigger problem for our case won't be a problem at all.

Just a question,  if i'm not wrong Pollock is in a beta state, do you know how stable is the architecture and design or do you know if there are going to be major changes in the API ?.
