> 1- Are there a rule for setting the actions definitions when
> subclassing from UserInterface? I think that the indicated message
> for doing this is #hookupInterface. Am I right?
> 2- I have to think in generate the class #windowSpec method (wich
> works with literals) or the instance createInterface method (wich
> works with objects)?
> I like the second option but... I can´t see if I am missing
> something here. For example, If in the future, when save the
> changes in the GUI Builder (Splash). It will construct the class
> #windowSpec method (I suppose), then, Wich is the right way?
"Specs" are something that are translated into actual user
interfaces. As far as Pollock and Splash are concerned, so is code.
Splash will be multi-way. It will allow you to translate your user
interface into a LiteralArray, XML, or Code. It will then allow you
to save that translated thing.
We call these things Fluff. Fluff is simply a (dead) representation
(code, XML or literal array) of the real user interface. Fluff can be
then reified either directly into a user interface, or a live
representation of the user interface via Specification objects. AND
visa versa. A real user interface can be transformed into live
Specification objects, and then stored as code, XML or literal arrays.
So, the right way is whatever is the easiest for you to use. Hand
coding Literal Arrays or XML seems not easy to use, so, I suggest
code. Travis will probably continue to hand code literal arrays, but
there's no accounting for him. :)
And So It Goes
Samuel S. Shuster [|]
VisualWorks Engineering, GUI Project
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