Polycephaly and IPSocketAddress

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Polycephaly and IPSocketAddress

Runar Jordahl
We are successfully using Polycephaly in our project. One thing we use
it for is to parallelize execution of (time-consuming) unit tests that
check code quality. These tests execute at 28% of original time, when
using Polycephaly on a quad-core box.

We are now looking into other uses. One use is testing client/server
functionality. We then run into a problem executing the following:

serverMachine := Polycephaly.DebugMachine new.
serverMachine do: 'IPSocketAddress hostAddressByName: SocketAccessor
getHostname. true'

Running the statement (IPSocketAddress hostAddressByName:
SocketAccessor getHostname) locally, does not cause any problems. But
as soon as it is executed in the drone, the system hangs. Any ideas
what could be wrong?

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Re: Polycephaly and IPSocketAddress

Runar Jordahl
We tested this problem on more PCs today. We found that Windows XP 32
bit is affected. Windows 7 64 bit works OK.

Kind regards
vwnc mailing list
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