PoolDictionaries for workspaces

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PoolDictionaries for workspaces

Louis LaBrunda
As I expect we all do, I often play with snippets of code in a workspace.  Sometimes I want to play with code that references things defined in a pool dictionary.  This requites putting the name of the pool dictionary (with two colons ::) in front of the reference in question.  Is there some way of declaring the pool dictionaries for use in the workspace?  This would save a lot of typing and allow the code to be copied to a method when ready.


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Re: PoolDictionaries for workspaces

Seth Berman
Hi Louis,

I don't think the full use-case can be accomplished out of the box (at least not that I'm aware of), but it looks like you could control it with the setter EtWindow>>defaultEvalutationPools:

Some sort of mechanism would need to be put in to allow the user to modify the DefaultEvaluationPools class var.  Also take note that this is lazy initialized, and workspaces automatically import a few pool dictionaries (i.e. CwConstants) until this is set (which it usually isn't)...so if you do use the setter, you may wish to keep this in mind.

Hope this helps

-- Seth  

On Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:31:38 AM UTC-5, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
As I expect we all do, I often play with snippets of code in a workspace.  Sometimes I want to play with code that references things defined in a pool dictionary.  This requites putting the name of the pool dictionary (with two colons ::) in front of the reference in question.  Is there some way of declaring the pool dictionaries for use in the workspace?  This would save a lot of typing and allow the code to be copied to a method when ready.


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Re: PoolDictionaries for workspaces

Louis LaBrunda
Hi Seth,

Thanks for putting me on the right track.  I put this:

EtWindow defaultEvaluationPools: (EtWindow defaultEvaluationPools asSet addAll: #(#PlatformFunctions #PlatformConstants)) asArray.
EtWindow defaultEvaluationPools: nil.

in the beginning of a saved workspace and then evaluate the first line to add #PlatformFunctions #PlatformConstants to the  defaultEvaluationPools.  Then is I want to put things back the way they were I evaluate the second line.


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