Porting Voss to Pharo

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Porting Voss to Pharo

Hi guys

if some of you are interested to drive porting VOSS to Pharo, let me know
John sent me the code and I can give it to you.
There is a dual license
     - LGPL
     - commercial
  Now I do not know the prices for business.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "John Clapperton" <[hidden email]>
Subject: VOSS Porting Tips 001
Date: 24 Feb 2015 11:30:37 GMT+1
To: 'Stéphane Ducasse' <[hidden email]>

Hi Stephane,

I strongly recommend first installing VOSS in VA Smalltalk and working
through the tutorial to get the feel of it; then single-step in the debugger
through the essential functionality to see how it works, in particular the
way messages sent to VORef proxies are forwarded to virtual objects
instantiated in the virtual space's VOCache after loading from disk.

The public face of a virtual space is an instance of VOManager, which knows
the file pathname etc, and which references an instance of VOStorageManager,
which is wrapped in a mutual exclusion VOSMShell, so that only one Smalltalk
process is allowed in at a time.

Inside the VOStorageManager is an instance of VOCache (subclass of
VOOrderedDictionary, subclass of Dictionary), which contains all the virtual
objects (in that virtual space) currently instantiated in the image.

VORef has three instance variables 'voManager id association '. Any message
sent to a VORef which is not understood by it (i.e. most of them, it's a
proxy) is forwarded to the VORef's VOManager, where it waits for exclusive
access to the VOStorageManager.

In there, it (the process) looks for that object's id in the VOCache (if not
there it's loaded from disk), the object's fixed length (21 bytes)
descriptor record in the sparse index file myspace.vot is locked (against
other images on other machines), and its VOCacheAssociation is locked into
the process's current VOTransaction (which contains a VOOrderedSet of
VORefs) against access by other processes in that image, and is assigned to
the VORef's 'association' instance variable.

The process then returns out of the VOStorageManager, out of the mutual
exclusion shell, and back in the context of the VOManager the instantiated
virtual object (referenced by the locked VOCacheAssociation's 'value'
instvar) is told to perform the message, and whatever that returns is
returned to the original sender (if it returns self, then the VORef is
returned to the sender).

I seem to have got rather deep rather quickly there; let me know which bits
you want to know about first.

Probably the most Pharo-specific part of the porting will be the new base
image Collection subclasses. The VOSS Btree collections
(VOLargeOrderedCollection and subclasses) are pretty well self-contained.

I realise this morning that you weren't asking whether there was a non-VA
implementation, you just meant is it available in chunk format, rather than
VA library (.dat) format - yes it's attached hereto. But nevertheless, I
strongly recommend having a working version to examine throughout the

The current version of VAST is 8.6.1, and VOSS 3.150.14 will object to that
when you try to run it, expecting VA 8.6. I've looked at the VA86 to VA861
migration notes, and as far as I can see it's only the version checking code
(in VODEVUUU module) which needs to be tweaked. I'll do that and upload to


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Re: Porting Voss to Pharo

Paul DeBruicker
What is VOSS?

stepharo wrote
Hi guys

if some of you are interested to drive porting VOSS to Pharo, let me know
John sent me the code and I can give it to you.
There is a dual license
     - LGPL
     - commercial
  Now I do not know the prices for business.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "John Clapperton" <[hidden email]>
Subject: VOSS Porting Tips 001
Date: 24 Feb 2015 11:30:37 GMT+1
To: 'Stéphane Ducasse' <[hidden email]>

Hi Stephane,

I strongly recommend first installing VOSS in VA Smalltalk and working
through the tutorial to get the feel of it; then single-step in the debugger
through the essential functionality to see how it works, in particular the
way messages sent to VORef proxies are forwarded to virtual objects
instantiated in the virtual space's VOCache after loading from disk.

The public face of a virtual space is an instance of VOManager, which knows
the file pathname etc, and which references an instance of VOStorageManager,
which is wrapped in a mutual exclusion VOSMShell, so that only one Smalltalk
process is allowed in at a time.

Inside the VOStorageManager is an instance of VOCache (subclass of
VOOrderedDictionary, subclass of Dictionary), which contains all the virtual
objects (in that virtual space) currently instantiated in the image.

VORef has three instance variables 'voManager id association '. Any message
sent to a VORef which is not understood by it (i.e. most of them, it's a
proxy) is forwarded to the VORef's VOManager, where it waits for exclusive
access to the VOStorageManager.

In there, it (the process) looks for that object's id in the VOCache (if not
there it's loaded from disk), the object's fixed length (21 bytes)
descriptor record in the sparse index file myspace.vot is locked (against
other images on other machines), and its VOCacheAssociation is locked into
the process's current VOTransaction (which contains a VOOrderedSet of
VORefs) against access by other processes in that image, and is assigned to
the VORef's 'association' instance variable.

The process then returns out of the VOStorageManager, out of the mutual
exclusion shell, and back in the context of the VOManager the instantiated
virtual object (referenced by the locked VOCacheAssociation's 'value'
instvar) is told to perform the message, and whatever that returns is
returned to the original sender (if it returns self, then the VORef is
returned to the sender).

I seem to have got rather deep rather quickly there; let me know which bits
you want to know about first.

Probably the most Pharo-specific part of the porting will be the new base
image Collection subclasses. The VOSS Btree collections
(VOLargeOrderedCollection and subclasses) are pretty well self-contained.

I realise this morning that you weren't asking whether there was a non-VA
implementation, you just meant is it available in chunk format, rather than
VA library (.dat) format - yes it's attached hereto. But nevertheless, I
strongly recommend having a working version to examine throughout the

The current version of VAST is 8.6.1, and VOSS 3.150.14 will object to that
when you try to run it, expecting VA 8.6. I've looked at the VA86 to VA861
migration notes, and as far as I can see it's only the version checking code
(in VODEVUUU module) which needs to be tweaked. I'll do that and upload to

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Re: Porting Voss to Pharo

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Re: Porting Voss to Pharo

Stephan Eggermont-3
In reply to this post by stepharo
On 06/03/15 16:16, stepharo wrote:
> Hi guys
> if some of you are interested to drive porting VOSS to Pharo, let me know
> John sent me the code and I can give it to you.
> There is a dual license
>      - LGPL
>      - commercial

What does LGPL mean for VOSS? At FOSDEM I talked with Bradley Kuhn of
the FSF. It is something that has been on their to do list for a while
now. In the 'strict' interpretation it is as viral as GPL for smalltalk


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Re: Porting Voss to Pharo

Martin Bähr
In reply to this post by vonbecmann
Excerpts from Bernardo Ezequiel Contreras's message of 2015-03-06 20:24:05 +0100:
> see http://voss.logicarts.com/

that is interesting.
where can i read more about the multi-user access?
how are users defined?

greetings, martin.

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Re: Porting Voss to Pharo

Pierce Ng-3
In reply to this post by Stephan Eggermont-3
On Fri, Mar 06, 2015 at 11:07:44PM +0100, Stephan Eggermont wrote:
> What does LGPL mean for VOSS? At FOSDEM I talked with Bradley Kuhn
> of the FSF. It is something that has been on their to do list for a
> while now. In the 'strict' interpretation it is as viral as GPL for smalltalk
> code.

A blast from the past, on Glorp's license:


Says Glorp is LGPL(S), under which the "code is intended to be usable as
a library, without the intention to restrict the license of the program
that uses it." The new Glorp site doesn't talk about license though.

The Common Lisp world also has had an LLGPL for a very long time now.



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Re: Porting Voss to Pharo

In reply to this post by Stephan Eggermont-3
I think that the author of voss should reply.


Le 6/3/15 23:07, Stephan Eggermont a écrit :

> On 06/03/15 16:16, stepharo wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> if some of you are interested to drive porting VOSS to Pharo, let me
>> know
>> John sent me the code and I can give it to you.
>> There is a dual license
>>      - LGPL
>>      - commercial
> What does LGPL mean for VOSS? At FOSDEM I talked with Bradley Kuhn of
> the FSF. It is something that has been on their to do list for a while
> now. In the 'strict' interpretation it is as viral as GPL for smalltalk
> code.
> Stephan

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Re: Porting Voss to Pharo

In reply to this post by stepharo
Now I understand that people may not be motivated to port when
commercial costs are not clear and impact of the LGPL on
the system.


Le 6/3/15 16:16, stepharo a écrit :

> Hi guys
> if some of you are interested to drive porting VOSS to Pharo, let me know
> John sent me the code and I can give it to you.
> There is a dual license
>     - LGPL
>     - commercial
>  Now I do not know the prices for business.
> Stef
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "John Clapperton" <[hidden email]>
> Subject: VOSS Porting Tips 001
> Date: 24 Feb 2015 11:30:37 GMT+1
> To: 'Stéphane Ducasse' <[hidden email]>
> Hi Stephane,
> I strongly recommend first installing VOSS in VA Smalltalk and working
> through the tutorial to get the feel of it; then single-step in the
> debugger
> through the essential functionality to see how it works, in particular
> the
> way messages sent to VORef proxies are forwarded to virtual objects
> instantiated in the virtual space's VOCache after loading from disk.
> The public face of a virtual space is an instance of VOManager, which
> knows
> the file pathname etc, and which references an instance of
> VOStorageManager,
> which is wrapped in a mutual exclusion VOSMShell, so that only one
> Smalltalk
> process is allowed in at a time.
> Inside the VOStorageManager is an instance of VOCache (subclass of
> VOOrderedDictionary, subclass of Dictionary), which contains all the
> virtual
> objects (in that virtual space) currently instantiated in the image.
> VORef has three instance variables 'voManager id association '. Any
> message
> sent to a VORef which is not understood by it (i.e. most of them, it's a
> proxy) is forwarded to the VORef's VOManager, where it waits for
> exclusive
> access to the VOStorageManager.
> In there, it (the process) looks for that object's id in the VOCache
> (if not
> there it's loaded from disk), the object's fixed length (21 bytes)
> descriptor record in the sparse index file myspace.vot is locked (against
> other images on other machines), and its VOCacheAssociation is locked
> into
> the process's current VOTransaction (which contains a VOOrderedSet of
> VORefs) against access by other processes in that image, and is
> assigned to
> the VORef's 'association' instance variable.
> The process then returns out of the VOStorageManager, out of the mutual
> exclusion shell, and back in the context of the VOManager the
> instantiated
> virtual object (referenced by the locked VOCacheAssociation's 'value'
> instvar) is told to perform the message, and whatever that returns is
> returned to the original sender (if it returns self, then the VORef is
> returned to the sender).
> I seem to have got rather deep rather quickly there; let me know which
> bits
> you want to know about first.
> Probably the most Pharo-specific part of the porting will be the new base
> image Collection subclasses. The VOSS Btree collections
> (VOLargeOrderedCollection and subclasses) are pretty well self-contained.
> I realise this morning that you weren't asking whether there was a non-VA
> implementation, you just meant is it available in chunk format, rather
> than
> VA library (.dat) format - yes it's attached hereto. But nevertheless, I
> strongly recommend having a working version to examine throughout the
> porting.
> The current version of VAST is 8.6.1, and VOSS 3.150.14 will object to
> that
> when you try to run it, expecting VA 8.6. I've looked at the VA86 to
> VA861
> migration notes, and as far as I can see it's only the version
> checking code
> (in VODEVUUU module) which needs to be tweaked. I'll do that and
> upload to
> voss.logicarts.com
> Regards,
> John

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Re: Porting Voss to Pharo

Ben Coman
In reply to this post by Stephan Eggermont-3

On Sat, Mar 7, 2015 at 6:07 AM, Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> wrote:
On 06/03/15 16:16, stepharo wrote:
Hi guys

if some of you are interested to drive porting VOSS to Pharo, let me know
John sent me the code and I can give it to you.
There is a dual license
     - LGPL
     - commercial

What does LGPL mean for VOSS? At FOSDEM I talked with Bradley Kuhn of the FSF. It is something that has been on their to do list for a while
now. In the 'strict' interpretation it is as viral as GPL for smalltalk


Actually just reading LGPL3 [1] , this seems less onerous for us than I remember. I think there are two concerns:

1. That distributing an Application with Pharo and VOSS together would somehow taint Pharo with the LGPL, but consider that if you simply load VOSS into Pharo, without any Application making use of VOSS then distributing that Image would seem to fall under Section 5 "Combined libraries", and be specifically excluded from the LGPL. 

2. That the Application would be tainted by the LGPL.  In our case where we don't have a shared library mechanism, Section 4.d.0 would seem to apply.  

So with your Application you would need to provide a mechanism you upgrade the VOSS library, plus instructions to do so per Section 4.e.  This might be achieved by:
 a. Leaving the compiler in the distributed Image such that new versions of VOSS can be loaded via standard mechanisms - maybe just from the command line.
 b. Loading VOSS via Fuel over the top of the existing version in image.

[1] https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html

cheers -ben
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Re: Porting Voss to Pharo

VOSS seems quite an interesting and useful technology.
Is know for sure that it could be ported without disturbing Pharo opensourceness /  freeness?
Is anyone doing work to port it?

On Sat, Mar 7, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Sat, Mar 7, 2015 at 6:07 AM, Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> wrote:
On 06/03/15 16:16, stepharo wrote:
Hi guys

if some of you are interested to drive porting VOSS to Pharo, let me know
John sent me the code and I can give it to you.
There is a dual license
     - LGPL
     - commercial

What does LGPL mean for VOSS? At FOSDEM I talked with Bradley Kuhn of the FSF. It is something that has been on their to do list for a while
now. In the 'strict' interpretation it is as viral as GPL for smalltalk


Actually just reading LGPL3 [1] , this seems less onerous for us than I remember. I think there are two concerns:

1. That distributing an Application with Pharo and VOSS together would somehow taint Pharo with the LGPL, but consider that if you simply load VOSS into Pharo, without any Application making use of VOSS then distributing that Image would seem to fall under Section 5 "Combined libraries", and be specifically excluded from the LGPL. 

2. That the Application would be tainted by the LGPL.  In our case where we don't have a shared library mechanism, Section 4.d.0 would seem to apply.  

So with your Application you would need to provide a mechanism you upgrade the VOSS library, plus instructions to do so per Section 4.e.  This might be achieved by:
 a. Leaving the compiler in the distributed Image such that new versions of VOSS can be loaded via standard mechanisms - maybe just from the command line.
 b. Loading VOSS via Fuel over the top of the existing version in image.

[1] https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html

cheers -ben