You wrote in message news:
[hidden email]...
> I was trying to slurp up a file of about 30000 words or so using
> PositionableStream>>nextWord on a ReadWriteStream on the file and it
> was quite unexpectedly slow (Dolphin 5.0 PL3). My guess is that the
> problem is that it uses the contents method, which may wind up doing a
> lot of copying.
> ...
You're right, this methods implementation is slow for large streams.
#nextWord should also be pushed up into SequencedStream so that it is
available for StdioFileStreams too. Recorded as #1241, patch below.
!SequencedStream methodsFor!
"Answer the next 'word' in the receiver's element stream, where a word is
defined as
a sequence of one or more elements delimited by an elements which answer
true to
#isSeparator. Leading separators are skipped. Answer nil if there are no
more words
in the receiver."
| wordStream element |
self skipSeparators ifFalse: [^nil].
wordStream := self contentsSpecies writeStream: 32.
[self atEnd] whileFalse:
[element := self next.
element isSeparator ifTrue: [^wordStream contents].
wordStream nextPut: element].
^wordStream contents! !
!SequencedStream categoriesFor: #nextWord!accessing!public! !
PositionableStream removeSelector: #nextWord ifAbsent: []!