Possible bug in GBS 7.3 ...

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Possible bug in GBS 7.3 ...

Dennis smith-4
I just put together all of our code with GBS 7.3 and VW 7.7.

It works except for external (Windows XP) strings.

Strings that come via an external file are

However, the connector specs in
     GbsSessionManager >> clientSpecificGlobalConnectorsList

do not include a conversion from  MSCP1252String to ISOlatin
as they did previously.  I see some work at the top of that method
but the generated list does not include what seems to be required.

When I added that conversion to the list, everything was fine.

Dennis Smith                         +1 416.798.7948
Cherniak Software Development Corporation   Fax: +1 416.798.0948
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